Divisions 14

780 26 7

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I don't know what was worse. The shock or the pain.

I stomped my way to the front of BC SOL, my face red with anger and confusion.

Why would he leave now? Was hurting me enough? You didn't need to bring the team into your web of pain.

I wiped tears that I shed as I stomped into the forest. Where I know Free would be.

"You," I started I met his eyes with my furious ones.

"Haven't you done enough damage? Look at them, look at your team." I paused as tears welled up in my (eye color) eyes.

"Look at me." I said furiously. He didn't meet my eyes.

It was like talking to a wall.

"Look at me asshole!" I said. It must have been the anger or the pain that made me cuss at him. I was shaking barely standing my ground in front of him.

"What is wrong with you?" I said throwing my hands in the air. They flew straight to my hair which I gripped tightly.

He said nothing and got up from the stump he had been sitting on to walk away.

"Come back here!" I said grabbing his hand.

"You can't leave," I said twisting him to face me.

"I can and I am." Free responded before walking away leaving my hand to swing at my side.

I slumped down on the grass.

I closed my eyes for a second before opening them back up. I felt tired and drained, the sunlight did nothing but ease me into slumber.

I was face to face with the inky black figure. I watched the liquid figure fall flat on the floor. It turned into a shadow and up from the shadow appeared...Free.

The shadow opened his eyes and smiled at me. I looked at myself. I was dressed in white.

The room around me turned into a mirror. I could see all my features.

Icy skin, pearly white eyes, and unmistakable snowy hair. Below me was ice that spread over the mirrors shattering them into two.

In one mirror it was split in between. I saw my (Eye color) eyes, (Hair color) hair. On the other side of the split mirror was the icy reflection. I put my hand on it.

Before I knew it a figure walked up from behind me. It was Free. He held chrysanthemums in his hand as he walked up.

Saw him mouth something.

'Shiroi'. He mouthed.

I woke up abruptly gasping for air.

My image distorted into a colorless person. Shiroi.

Free said Shiroi.

I ran from the spot. I held my hands to my chest as I charged in Kris' office.

"Kris. Where is the nearest flower shop?" I asked out if nowhere. Kris looked at me in question.

"It's in town. Is there a reason why you want to get flowers?" I heard the smirk on her lips as I turned around.

Blushing I met her eyes and said.

"Um," I started and she adjusted the bear on her desk.

I stuttered a bit before continuing.

"I want to give Free a present before he leaves, okay!" I said. Kris got up the second I said "Give Free a present".

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