Divisions 24

611 29 5

(Y/n) awoke the metal cuffs disgarded on the other side of the room her mind was once again turned against Free. But not out of hatred.

Out of shame.

She stood up and grabbed her mask that was returned to her while she slept.

She was going to beat Free. To prove him wrong. She would never be forgotten, the person in dreams was gone and she was goinf to make him sit at her feet begging to follow her to cling to her to beg her not to forget every aspects she wanted to forget about him.

She won every match she went up against. She was praised by Ashtem worshipped by Shu and Norman. Served by the right hands of the snakepit. She was a queen.

Every feeling she had for Free was pushed away. She wasn't weak. She wasn't strong either. But she was tyrannical.

She drank in all her opponents fears and turned the fear against them. She loved watching their faces pale and lose focus when their world closed in on them.

She had even went up against a few BC SOL bladers. Even though they were friends she brought no mercy.

Sisco was the only one who reacted horribly to the fear ripping off her mask and tossing it into the crowd. Later retrieved by Golden eye who gave her a pat on the head and delivered her dinner.

When she wasn't battling she was sitting with Ashtem on his throne droning on about beys and the matches they watched.

They were on equal terms as long as she won. As long as she was obedient he would let her take his mask off. To see Theodore Glass.

She had been shocked at first but it wore off when she saw the similarites the two men shared. She would still sit in his lap. She would still jostle him with laughter. She would still be sitting amongst the strongest man in the snakepit.

The only thing she would have to get used to would be staring into his eyes as she spoke to him. He had told her it was annoying when he couldn't see the expression presented in her eyes. Whether it was anger when she scampered to get off his lap because he insulted her. Or admiration when she would play with his hair when she refused to watch Free's match burrying her head into his mulit colored locks.

(Y/n) once thought he was an old man but she was surprised when she met eyes with a man in his early twenties.

But when she played with his multi colored hair she thought of Free. She would let her mind wander imagining she was sitting in Free's lap. Would Ashtem allow him to join the snakepit?

Ashtem watched the match in front of him and pulled (Y/n) away pointing at the bladers. Sisco and Joshua. How enlightening.

"Joshua will lose." She predicted. "His fear is obvious. I don't want to study him. He's boring." She wasn't his fan. No not at all. She sat back on Ashtem's chest and closed her eyes.

"Ah so it seems." Ashtem said letting her sleep.

After watching a few more matches (Y/n) stood up excusing herself to walk around.

She exited the room and walked down to her right bumping into a yellow chest. Her mask was knocked off and she stared up at the figure.

Free de la hoya.

How unfortunate. He stared at her and she stared back. As if he was expecting her to jump into his arms.


Out of shame (Y/n) stood up on her own dusting herself off not bothering to look into Frees eyes.

Free took her hand and pulled her tonhis chest wrapling her in a tight hug. She let him do this. She had no intention of raising her arms to hug him back.

Free carressed her hair keeping her close. He placed a hand on top of her head. (Y/n) nuzzled into the warmth before she was interrupted.

"Am I interupting something?" Norman asked. The grip on (Y/n) tightened but she quickly escaped his grasp and turned towards Norman.

"You weren't interrupting anything Norman. Please proceed." She said walking over to him. As if nothing happened between her and Free.

"Ashtem and Red eye are waiting for you in the spectating room." He said. (Y/n) started to walk away Norman trailing after her.

(Y/n) spared no glance at Free who had a dark look on his face. He would get his sweet (Y/n) back no matter what.

"Please don't associate yourself with Free de La Hoya. Ashtem won't like that." (Y/n) didn't mutter a word as they entered the spectating room.

"Ashtem." She said closing the door behind her. Red eye was there as well sitting beside Ashtem. Ashtem smiled at (Y/n) as she walked in. "Ah (Y/n) my dear. Come sit. We were just discussing your next match." She scanned the room before walking over to Ashtem and gracelessly flopped her back into his chest.

Ashtem took an intake of breath from the impact before chuckling and running a hand through her hair. It had just become apparent she wasn't wearing her mask.

Crossing her legs (Y/n) looked at Shu. "What are we going to talk about?" She asked and Ashtem played with her hair leaning back in his chair. "Your next match is against Wakiya Murasaki. We just want to make sure you don't pity him and give him the win."

(Y/n) turned towards Ashtem and nodded. "I see." Was all she said. There was no point in arguing. "I've done well thus far. I should be able to beat him." She looked at her hands in her lap before clenching them. "No." She started.

"I will beat him."

The next match was set and (Y/n) was ready with her battle against Wakiya. She chosen to abandon the mask this game hoping her glare would throw off Wakiya.

Wakiya barely looked at her which made her ticked off. She took her stance and aimed low to the ground. The bey would bounce off the stadium.

The countdown began.


"Let it rip!" We said in unison. We watched as (Metanoia/Bey name) bounced on the bottom of the stadium sending it straight into the air before it slowly fell from it's height smashing against Wakiya's bey bursting it.

(Y/n) already knew his fear. She knew it well. So when the next countdown begun and (Metanoia/beyname) fell onto the stadium Wakiya's whole world turned upside down.

Suddenly he was on a tightrope dangling above a clift. (Y/n) strenghtened the connection until Wakiua's bey burst.

Wakiya fell from the sky.

Falling tonhis knees Wakiya and Rantaro rushed over and it took every inch of will power not to go over and ask if he was alright.

(Y/n) walked the halls running into Free. She tried to ignore him and walk away but he grabbed her shoulders and shook her back and forth, back and forth.

"Why would you do that. Do you know what damage you've done?" He screamed at her. She was surprised.

"Damage?" She asked. Now she was a bit pissed off. She tore Free's hands from her shoulders. "Damage?!" She said again. "I was just doing my job! And it was to beat him. It's his fault the cant control his fears."

Free looked at her in disbelief.

"The (Y/n) I loved wouldn't have said that."

"Well maybe you should have told her you loved her before. And maybe she wouldn't have escaped from your grasp."

A/n: sorry for the late update I was busy with everything. Enjoy this chapter

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