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The sun arose around the room. My skin was hot and sticky, sweaty. I stretched my arms, hitting Sweet Pea in the face, in the process.

He groaned, turning over on his side. It was the early hour of 6. We didn't need to leave until 8. I slid from the bed, slipping on my slippers and making my way out of the room.

The house was cold, like ice. Riverdale was known for their cold winters. I put some water on the stove to heat up. My microwave was loud, so that's why I used the pot.

My eyes scanned the calendar that hung on my side of the fridge. I really didn't have anything important coming up, now seeing how the school would be shut down.

I grabbed my mug from the cabinet. My tea container being right underneath. The water began to boil. The house heating up from the stove being on.

I placed my tea bag into the mug, pouring the warm water in as well. I let the tea bag soak. The warmth from the sun was making itself known.

For a minute, everything felt normal. I was at peace.

I watched my clear water turn brown. I heard the shuffling of socks on the wood floor. An arm wrapped around my waist. I leaned into his touch.

"Do you want some coffee or something?"
"Yeah, just black."

I turned on the coffee pot and let it brew. I turned to him. His hair was all over the place, from sleeping. I brushed some out of his face.

"Did I wake you up?"
"No, I felt the lack of warmth."
"Oh I'm sorry."

Pea pulled a bar stool out from the island, sitting down. I pulled a mug from the cabinet. I poured coffee into the mug, grabbing the handle and sliding it to Sweet Pea.

I watched as he picked it up and placed it up against his lips. He took small sips, being careful not to burn himself.

It felt weird to have him here. It was like we never stopped talking.

"Well let's go get ready."

I threw him a questioning look, him shrugging his shoulders at me.

"It's better to be early than late."

I nodded slightly before walking from behind the island to the hallway. The hallway was cold still.

I opened the curtains while I got ready, trying to warm up my room. I stared into my closet, looking for something to where.

A sweater, leggings, boot socks, and boots was the outfit of choice. I finished slipping on my boot when Sweet Pea came in, dressed.

"You ready to go."
"Yeah, let me grab my bag."

I picked up my laptop bag, swinging it over my shoulder. I reached for the keys, Sweet Pea grabbing them before I could even blink an eyelash.

I walked out in front of him, him closing the door behind us. I walked down the path, leading to the driveway.

Sweet Pea's boots made stomping noises behind me, I watched him unlock the truck, and slide to my side to unlock my door.

"Thanks Pea."
"No problem, M"

I buckled my belt as my phone erupted with texts. I scrolled through them. Most of them were from Toni and Cheryl talking about how happy they were about Sweet Pea and I. One text caught my attention.

'Peabodys out for blood.'

I knew what this meant, ever since Jughead did work for Penny, she's wanted nothing more than to destroy his life.

I felt the truck begin to move from underneath me.

"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah. Perfect."

I had lingering thoughts, much like last night. Now, it was all about Josie and her revenge.

Reggie claimed they were back together and I had nothing to worry about, but the worry never stops.

I'd be mad of someone took Sweet Pea from me. Correction, I was very mad.

A hand rested on my leg, my eyes scanned Sweet Pea's face.

"Are you sure you're ok? We can turn around and have the girls go."
"No, I'm fine, just thinking."

I took a sharp intake of air.

"Come on, you know I'll listen to every word."
"What if Josie's upset that I, um, you know, stole you from her."
"You can't steal something you already owned."

"Sweet Pea!" I hissed towards him. His comments were not making this situation better.

"Ok, hear me out. Reggie was using you as a rebound. Reggie and Josie still had a spark. They used us to get back together."

"If anything, we should be the upset ones, not them."

I nodded at him, he made a valid point, but it didn't make this feel any less wrong.

His hand squeezed my thigh in comfort. I watched as he kept his eyes on the road, only so often peering over to me.

I leaned my head on the window, looking out the windshield as He drove.

The roads were icy and slick, and as we made our way deeper into the woods, it got cold and rainy.

Sweet Pea reached to turn on the heater. I grabbed my bag from between my feet, grabbing the fresh journal out.

I flipped through the pages of drawings and writing, focusing on a few. My fingers traced the pencil indents. The colors danced on the page.

"Those are nice. You do them yourself?"
"No I had someone draw them for me."
"Oh, so you're a smart ass."
"Takes one to know one."

I heard Sweet Pea scoff sarcastically. I let a laugh escape my lips.

"Wow I love how slow these people are going."
"Chill out Pea."

I flipped through more pages, listening to pea complain.

"Oh! Come on!"

I scooted up in my seat, trying to see over the cars.

"It's a car accident, Pea."

I looked down the street that was leading to the road we were on. Honking was heard before a large impact hit the side of the truck.

 Honking was heard before a large impact hit the side of the truck

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