Chapt. 2: Still Nervous..

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I woke up the next morning and got dressed for my first scene.. it was a scene where I was thrown water to "wake up". I walked out and got to make up and hair..

I walked to the cabin where we would shoot the scene and sat on the bed.. it was freezing in here..

The man who would my "Uncle Brown" started talking with me and just when I was getting ready to start the scene, Demi passed by to get to the hair and make up with Meaghan

She looked at me and smiled brightly and I smiled a little. I laid down on the bed and the director yelled "action" making it all start


I saw Nick doing his scene

- Hey Meaghan.. lets see it! - she nodded and we went to the door

I wanted to laugh when the man threw water on top of Nick and then walked away through the other door

- Cut!

A woman that had a blanket went to Nick and I couldn't contain it.. I bursted out laughing while walking towards him

- Oh god.. really.. you look like a puddle - I said laughing again while putting my hand on his shoulder that was now covered by a blanket

- Ha ha ha.. so funny! - he said shaking his head while standing up

- No.. it really was! - I said laughing even more

He opened his blanket and hugged me making sure his hair rubbed all around my neck..

- Let me go you moron!

He chuckled - I hate you! - he smirked

I shrugged - Mutual.. don't worry

I turned around and walked out of the cabin.

- Forgetting anyone? - Meaghan smirked

- Sorry.. lets go! - I smiled taking her hand

- Demi, do you like.. like Nick?

I stopped and looked confused at her - What?

- I mean.. you guys seemed pretty cute and happy.. like a couple you know?

I rolled my eyes - We're just friends Meaghan.. now lets go to hair and make up!


I dried my clothes and went back to the set.. this time we were doing the scene where Shane hears Mitchie sing but doesn't knows its her.. the scenes weren't in order so it was somehow a little confusing

I watched Demi do her thing and sit on the piano through the screen in one of the cameras and went to my spot to start running.. her voice was amazing!

- Go!

I started running and actually really tripped into the plants.. I could really hear her singing from where I was.. wow..

I stood up and entered the room running

- Hello?! - I ask looking around - Who was in here?

The director yelled cut and started clapping - It was amazing! At the first take!

Demi came inside and stood next to me

- Can we just make a second take so that we are sure this is your best?

Demi looked at me and I looked at her

- Okay - she said shrugging her shoulders

We did it all again and then did it a third time.. After lunching, I went to "the school".. it was just me, Jasmine and Jordan

Jasmine was an amazing girl and I soon felt comfortable talking with them all.. Jordan was really funny and Jasmine had a beautiful laugh

Soon, Anna Maria joined us as we waited for the teacher and started making stupid dances.. it was awesome!

I had a great time learning.. I've been homeschooled since forever and sharing a classroom with other people was a fun experience.. even though we were in different ages

I walked back to my cabin and started studying spanish

While I studied, Demi came up and knocked.

- Can I come in? I'm kinda bored since they are doing something together..

- Yeah sure! But.. I am studying..

- What? - she asked sitting next to me on the bed, as I showed her my book

- Ohh!! That's good! I'm like, a little bit spanish por eso, yo te puedo ayudar un poquito

- What?!

She laughed and took my book out of my hands - Let me help you!

- Ok.. G-Gracias

She giggled and turned some pages of my book.. wow.. she was really beautiful.. she looked different from the day we met since she needed to have bangs

Her eyes were beautiful but I somehow got a sad vibe from them.. like she had a secret or a bad memory.. her mouth was all smiley but her eyes showed a sad deepness.. maybe I was just overthinking

It was good to study with her.. besides being astonishingly beautiful she was also pretty smart.. I felt like we had a good friendship even though we've only met a few days ago..

We heard the horn to dinner and went to the cafeteria.. how time passed!

After dinner, I couldn't sleep again so I grabbed my guitar and walked out with my flashlight


- You can't copy me! - I heard someone say behind me

I turned around and saw Nick with a guitar again.. second night - I'm not copying you..

He chuckled and sat next to me - I know.. don't worry.. it's somewhat, cool to talk with you

I smiled and shrugged - yeah.. you're the only person who has deep thoughts like me.. well.. at least from our age..

He smiled his crocked adorable smile for the first time and I felt nervous all the sudden

We talked a lot that night.. We always had a different theme

- Maybe we should.. make this like.. an every night thing - I said sleepily


- Yeah.. that would be cool - I shrugged

I felt her head touch my shoulder and looked down.. she was really tired - I don't wanna go to bed.. - she yawned

- You can't stay here forever..

- I wish I could.. you're like my best friend..

I smiled and blushed - Good to know you think the same

She smiled and I gently stood up - And because of that, I'll help my best friend going to bed before she dies frozen

She giggled and I put my guitar strap around me

Leaning down, I picked her up and she giggled grabbing my neck - To the bed!!!! - she whispered yelled

I shook my head and she picked up a flashlight pointing it to where I was going. She was moving the light in different directions and it kinda make me laugh a little

I left her on the cabin entrance and she kissed my cheek again making me feel as nervous as the last time

- Goodnight - she smiled

- Night

She turned around and opened the door smiling at me while I turned to walk away

She really really knows how to make me nervous! God..

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