Chapt. 17: We Have "Chemistry"!

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Tonight was the last shooting session. It was the "This Is Our Song" take.

Nick was still a bit uncomfortable around me.. I felt it but not as much as before...

On the lunch break, I sat alone in a bench reflecting everything.. He was right.. this was something really hard to accept.. I rolled up my sleeves and stared at my wrists. They had make up covering everything.. The big scar was noticeable but the others weren't..

I have to stop this.. I'm slowly killing myself.. This time I was lucky someone found me on time but there could be a next time and that next time could not end up well.. If it wasn't for them, I could've died of extreme blood loss..

- Hi Demi

I jumped at the sound if his voice - Oh.. Hey! You scared me

He sat in the bench and smiled slightly - I was looking for you so we could eat together.. Are you trying to escape meal?

- No Nick.. I just.. sat here thinking..

I looked around and saw birds flying away.. I wish I could fly away like them.. I wish I could be flawless.. Free..

- About what?

- About recovering from this.. - I said moving my wrists a little

- You're saying like.. rehabilitation?

- I don't know.. I just..

He leaned on his knees and I took a deep breath

- You deserve someone better.. I just wanna try to be that someone..

He smiled and pulled me to a hug - I'm touched Demi.. but you should do that for yourself.. not for me

- Yeah.. it's also about me I mean. I could've died in that hospital - I said pulling off

- Lets not think about that okay?

I nodded and smiled - Yeah.. Is it still strange to know this?

He looked down - I just.. can't believe it.. It's hard Demi.. It can not be for you but it is for me!

- I understand.. don't worry.

- I'm sorry.. I don't know why but I just can't believe!

I turned my face towards the river and took a deep breath - I get it..

He reached down to my hand and I looked at him - We got this okay? - he smiled slightly

- Thank you.. - I smiled back.

We looked around us for a little bit and then leaned for a kiss when we saw that no one was near us

- I am seriously in trouble - he said standing up and pulling my hand

- Why?

- Because.. I'm stupidly in love with you! - he laughed as we walked towards the canteen

- So that's good or bad?

He turned around and checked if there was anybody near us - It's perfect.. I hope - he laughed and pecked my lips one last time

We walked inside and pocked our food.. then, we both sat with Matthew, Alison and Chloe

Of course Nick had to be on Chloe's side! Why wouldn't he right?

The only thing I know is that she was talking a lot with him and I gelt jealous again.. They have become inseparable during this movie. She teached him some classic musics on the piano and he teached her how to play the guitar.. Sometimes I wish I didn't knew how to play guitar just so he could teach me..

I never saw them together like in an actual class but I heard that he hugs her from the back showing her positions with the fingers.

I sat there silently while Alison talked with Mathew and Nick talked with Chloe.. I felt a little left out but I knew it wasn't on purpose..

I started eating just like he had told me.. bite after bite.. I have been eating a lot more and actually gained a little of weight.. I felt sometimes sad because I still feel ugly and fat but.. he was right.. I should eat to be healthy!

I felt a hand touch my hand under the table, intertwining our fingers. I looked up and saw him smile. He looked proud

- We won't ho anywhere.. remember?

I smiled brightly and we unlaced our fingers as we both ate.

After the canteen, we both headed to "the school" since we had nothing to record.. Alison, Roshon and Chloe were in another room and Mathew and Meaghan were recording songs at the recording studio. Kevin, Joe and Jordan were with Jasmine and Anna in the play room and all of that left me and Nick having classes alone.

We were having Chemistry right now and the teacher was really fun. After a while, he asked to go to the bathroom..

- Hey Nick.. I think we have "Chemistry"

He laughed - Why don't you come closer to see if our magnets attract?

I laughed loudly - You're an idiot

He laughed and I pulled him by his collar to kiss him - You still love me..

I giggled - The last time a teacher went to the bathroom, I got really nervous.. remember

He smiled and kissed me again - I just remember the need of doing this over and over again - he said kissing me multiple times

- You should've done it.. - I smiled reaching his lips to take of my lipstick mark from them

- Yeah.. but I was with Miley remember?

I laughed - How could I forget.. have you talked to her

- Actually no.. I haven't since the tour..

The teacher opened the door and we instantly went back to our positions. I'm actually glad he hasn't talk with her.. at least like that, he doesn't notice how beautiful she is.. right?

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