Chapt. 27: I Don't Wanna Be Jealous

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August 7th came and the tour started.. first stop, Tinley Park in Illinois. I felt the bus stop and got up from the table. Demi was going in our bus as well as Alyson

I watched the door open and walked outside with a smile on my face. Joe followed me and stopped in front of me

The house door flew open and Demi came out kissing her mom goodbye. She waved at us and we waved back as Demi came closer to us

She side hugged me and Joe and got inside high-fiving Kevin

- I'm so excited for the tour!! - she jumped clapping her hands

Kevin explained to her that she was going to stay in the left bedroom with Alyson and that he would be in the one in the right

I had told Kevin that Demi and I were kinda dating so there was no side stares from him. He was amazing in that subject.. he congratulated me and said that if I was happy, he was happy..

The bus started moving and Kevin walked back locking himself in the bedroom.. next stop was Danielle's house

The thing is, I'm sleeping in a couch in the living room with curtains while Joe slept in the one next to me.. Kevin and Danielle would have the entire room for them.. It was fair.. it was their room.. mine and Joe's was occupied by the girls

Me and Joe sat with Demi and we all started talking.. Joe started telling some jokes and Demi laughed while I chuckled.. I wasn't the type of guy who talks a lot.. I actually haven't change a single bit since me and Demi met.

They started playing cards and I started talking with random people on the phone.. truth is, I was kinda bored

A few minutes later, I started to get Jealous.. jealous because Joe was making her laugh.. I don't know.. maybe I just felt insecure or something..

I didn't liked this feeling so I walked to the couch and sat in it watching TV. We stopped at Danielle's, she came inside and everything went back to what it was..

I stealed some looks kinda spying on them and my jealousy grew.. thing is, I didn't wanted to feel like this.. why was I feeling this?

I walked to my "bedroom" and closed the curtains harshly. I put on my earphones and closed my eyes.. What was wrong with me? The slow music started blasting in my ears as I closed my eyes trying to calm down

Minutes later, I felt the bed sink so I opened my eyes to see Demi seated on my bed

- What's wrong? - she asked when I took my headphones off

- Nothing.. just listening to music - I faked a smile

I reached my phones placing them in place and continued listening music. A few minutes later, Demi moved and rested her head in my chest

I took my headphones out and frowned - You okay too??

She looked up and frowned - What's wrong with you? I know you're mad about something..

I sighed - I'm not mad.. I was just jealous

- Jealous?

- Yeah.. I don't know why but I was.. see? It's stupid

She smiled softly and reached my head. I smiled closing my eyes as she played with my hair sending an amazing sensation down my body

- That sweet..

I opened my eyes and she she leaned down kissing me softly.

We arrived at Alyson and then went to the arena. We had the concert and it was one of the best things ever.. It pumped me up so much!!

Little did I know that that night, I would lose something...

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