Chapt. 40: Headaches On Repeat

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I patiently waited in the elevator to reach the main floor.. I ran towards the receptionist - Hey huh.. have you seen this girl?

I showed her a photo of Demi and she shook her head - Sorry.. no..

I thanked and walked out the hotel.. she was probably disguised

I took off my phone and dialed her number again




- Hello?

Her voice echoed in my head - Demi?

- Nick?

I could hear her cries and her tremblings on the other side - Demi.. where are you?

There was a moment and I heard a car pass by on her side.. minutes later, the same sound on my side so I supposed she was on the same side the car came wivh was left

- Who cares where am I?

I ran towards the car way and looked around - Demi, I care.. please let me explain..

- Explain what? That you've been clubbing and cheating on me? Thank you but I already know that

I stopped in my tracks - Demi!! What the fuck?! You know I would never do that!

- Tell that to the blond hoe you had in your room..

- First, her name is Rita..

- Oh now you're defending her?

I heard her yell loudly but I heard it from my side of the phone

I looked around - Demi, I'm not defending her.. she's a friend

- Yeah and she was fucking naked when I got to your room.. care to explain that?

- She wasn't naked!! - I yelled giving a few more steps

- Oh really?? Now your saying I'm blind and dumb?

I spotted her in a corner and ran towards - Demi!! - I shouted making her look at me

She looked back at me and I stopped away from her.. she was full on tears and all I wanted to do was grab her and kiss her

My head was killing me right now..

She shook her head - We're over..

I stared at her as she turned her phone off and walked away..

I wasn't going to give up

I ran towards her grabbing her hand - Demi wait.. - I said but my voice cracked betraying me

- Nick stop.. - she said shoving her hand away from mine

- This can't be over like this!! We have a story.. we have a past... I'm not just in love with you! I'm madly and completely crazy about you!! You can't just end this with two fucking words!

She shook her head - I didn't broke us up.. You did...

She started walking fast and I walked behind her - No!! Stop! Wait!

I followed her and when she reached a zone that had a small street on the right, I pulled her arm pulling her to the dark corner and pinning her against the wall - Stop..

She looked down - Don't make this harder than what it is.. please.. just move on..

I pulled her chin up with my fingers - Tell to my eyes you don't love me anymore..

Her chin started to quiver as her eyes started to water.. nothing was coming out of her mouth..

I leaned slowly towards her - I love you.. do you love me?

Her breath hitched a little - Yeah..

Our foreheads touched as we both closed our eyes - Then what's wrong?

- You hurt me..

- I'm sorry.. but it isn't what you think it is..

Our lips touched slightly as I tried to kiss her but she pulled away a little.. I finally catch her as my hands went from her shoulders to her hips and her hands went through my hair

We made out for a while in the dark street where no one could see us..

- Do you forgive me? - I whispered pulling away

I opened my eyes seeing a small smile in her lips - yes... I love you..

- I love you too.. You cane all the way here just to spy on me?

Her smile fell - You're an idiot..

She pushed me away as I gave up and started to walk behind her - Demi.. why did you came here?

She looked back stopping - What the fuck?


What the fuck did I came here for? I thought he was fucking cheating me!

- Nicholas what the fuck?

I walked towards him and grabbed his arm - Are you kidding me?

He lifted his hands and pressed his head - My head hurts

I put on my hand in his forehead - Nick.. you're too hot.. are you feeling ok?

Dumb question.. he just said his head hurt

- I'm feeling dizzy.. what are you doing here tough?

My eyes widened.. why was he repeating everything?! - We need to get you to an hospital..

I pulled him with me and helped him get in my car that was just in front of us.. I sped off and went to the closer hospital..

I just hoped it was nothing bad..



Hey guys.. I'm thinking in updating this once a week at least.. I don't know if I can put up with updating 3 times anymore.. not just this one but the "Awkwardly In Love With You"

Don't worry.. I'm just getting less time with school and other stuff..

Don't forget to comment and hit the vote button :D

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