Chapt. 26: Interviews

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We walked out and reached Joe who was talking with Kevin. I started listening and watched them talk for a while..

- Going public? - Joe asked whispering in my ear

- Not yet.. We're just friends ok?

He nodded and patted my shoulder smiling softly. We walked to the backstage and they lined us. Me and Demi in a the middle, Kevin next to Demi and Joe next to me.. The interviewer presented us and we walked in at the sound of screams and claps.

We sat on the couches facing the woman - Welcome!! Wow! You really own the crowds huh? - she stated making some screams come out again

She started to ask me and my brothers stuff about our new album when was it coming and if it was finished.. Then she moved on to Demi and talked about "Here We Go Again"

- And I heard that there was a song you co-wrote with one of these boys

I smiled nervously as Demi answered

- Yeah.. I actually do have one. I wrote a song with Nick and it's called "Stop The World" - she answered turning her smile to me

- Can't you tell us the story about it or a sneak peek?..

I chuckled - I mean she could sing it! If she wants of course..

Demi shrugged - I wouldn't mind but.. you should wait and buy the album!! - she joked making me, Joe and Kevin laugh

Fortunately, the interviewer didn't asked anything about me and Demi.. which was perfect!


Some weeks passed and I had another interview.. this time it was in Ellen and I was alone.

I walked inside as the sound of my name made lots of screams and claps echo in the room. I sat next to her after a hug and waited for them to stop clapping

- Demi Lovato!! Welcome! It's been a while since we last talked

I giggled - Yeah.. it's been!

- But we're besties right? - I nodded and then smiled - And you tell besties everything right?

I'm not liking where this is going..

- Just don't tell Selena I said that - I laughed making the crowd laugh and clap

She laughed and a huge image of me and Nick looking at each other surged in the back

I looked at his face and smiled not being able to contain it. We looked like we were in love and it was somehow cute.. his eyes were sparkling and his smile was really big..

- You two look.. in love!

I chuckled - No, no.. me and Nick - I giggled - are just friends.. best friends.. - I stated between my giggles

- Just friends? - I laughed and she smiled - then why are you blushing?

I covered my face and the audience made an "awe" sound

- Demi, do you love him? - she whispered making the audience laugh

I chuckled - No... - I stated but it came out more like a question

Ellen chuckled and changed the subject to Camp Rock 2 and of course that it had to appear more photos of me and Nick looking adorably at each other

I answered the questions and she ended the interview. When the cameras and microphones were off, she apologized for making that weird question and I accepted.. it was her job..

A few days ahead, I was home and saw an interview of the JoBros on.. thank god I was home alone..

They were talking about Camp Rock when I started watching

- So guys.. I heard that Demi Lovato actually has a crush on one of you. If it is true, which one is it?

I blushed and saw Nick do it to as his smile came up. He looked so uncomfortable

- If it is true, it's probably Nick.. - Joe smirked

- No.. me.. me and Demi are just friends. Best friends.. - he smiled looking down

I looked towards his stare and saw the bracelet I gave him in the first Camp Rock.. It was so sweet that he still had it

The interviewer asked him how was it like to work with me and in the background started passing images of the Burnin' Up Tour and the previous Camp Rock

- It was amazing.. she's amazing and I love her to death.. and you know, she has got that brilliant smile that, you know, just makes you feel good - he smiled probably imagining me

I covered my face with a pillow trying not to scream.. this was so cute!!

She moved on to other subjects and I watched the rest of the interview.. since it was live, I sent him a message when it ended

"I am watching 😉"

Since it was still on and the host was still talking but now without them in the image, I continued watching

The three brothers appeared again and Nick had a stupid smile and his phone on his hand. In the background, there was she saying "Up next, Jonas Brothers will perform live here in studio"

Nick winked at the screen and I giggled like a little girl. Minutes later, I received his answer

"I've been watching your interviews too.."

I giggled and took a deep breath

"I love you Nick ❤️"

"Love you too beautiful 😉"

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