Chapt. 20: Fuck..

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It's been weeks now where the only contact I've had with Demi was through the phone.. we've been texting a lot since I have been in holidays with my family. Yesterday, I came home and today I kinda wanted to pass some time with my girl

I ringed her and asked if she was free

- Of course! Pick me up at 3 pm?

- Ok.. I can't wait - I said grinning even though she can't see

She giggled cutely and I could hear the smile in her voice - Me too..

We said our goodbyes and I got up from my bed. Joe wasn't home and Kevin was with Danielle..

- Good morning baby - my mom smiled as I got closer to her

I threw my arm around her shoulders - Mornin'.. what are you cooking?

- Pancakes

- For me?

She nodded and picked it up to a plate. My mom's the best cook ever!

I ate my breakfast and then got dressed. I was spending the morning with Frankie. He wasn't at school yet so he had nothing better to do

After a little, the four of us ate together since Joe and Kevin weren't coming back 'till night

Afterwards, I patiently waited for the 3 o'clock. Just when it hit 2:30 p.m...

- Nicholas we're going out.. take care of Frankie

- But mom I'm going out..

She glared at me - Can't you take him with you?

I sighed - I guess so..

- Great - she smiled victoriously - we're coming back at night

I nodded and she turned going out. After a while, I walked to his room knocking

- Frankie, lets go out

- Where?

- To Demi's - I sighed

He opened the door - I don't wanna go.. it's going to be boring..

I kneeled down - No it won't! You got Maddie and we're going to a's not bad

- Maddie doesn't like to play with me.. she's a girl

- Don't worry about that. I'll be there too

I shrugged and walked away downstairs as I stood up and followed him.

We walked down the streets hand in hand while talked about his school.. I never really got to go to a school so I just listened. He was talking about a girl that he's been crushing on. He said that the moment he told her he was our brother, she freaked out

- Do you like anyone? - he asked innocently

- Yep

- Who?

- If I tell you, you promise you won't tell a soul?

He smiled as we stopped for a car to pass - I do! Is it Demi?

I pulled his little hand to cross the road with a smile on my face - Yes.. how do you know it?

- Well.. she's the first girl that you visit on holidays besides Miley, we're going to her house right now right after coming from vacation and you normally stay at home after one and, you've been talking with 'till today every single day..

I looked down in shock - How do you know I've been talking with her?!

- Well.. first, I saw once and second, every time you talk to her, you smile.. which is rare

I looked back up and shrugged - Wow.. I didn't knew I was that obvious..

He laughed and we turned the corner entering the small gate. Kevin let go of my hand and. Ran to the door ringing on the bell

I reached the porch and leaned against the wall. Minutes later, Demi opened the door - Hi.. guys? - she said confused with a little interrogation

- Demi!! Can I play with Maddie? - Frankie asked excitedly.. this boy only cared about having fun!

- Of course buddy! She's in the living room - She answered smiling at him. He hugged her waist and ran inside leaving us alone

- A date? With your brother? - she smirked jokingly

- Blame my parents. we can still have fun right?

She chuckled and got closer to me - Of course.. I mean.. he can stay and we can go or we could just play with them here

I laughed a stood straight - I prefer the first option.. I mean.. I love my brother but I kinda miss you

She smiled and we walked inside. She walked away to her mom and I got inside the living room to see Maddie and Frankie sitting on the couch

- I'm going out with Demi ok Franks?

He looked up - Ok.. just don't forget to pick me up after like Joe did

- I won't buddy. Hi Mads

- Hi Nick! How're you? - she smiled

She had almost a smile as beautiful as Demi.. she was so cute

- Im great.. - I was interrupted by Demi calling my name - gotta go.. have fun guys

I walked back to the door and Demi was throwing her leather jacket against her back - You ready?

- Lets go - I answered grabbing her hand

We walked out and went down the street talking with our fingers intertwined

We reached a cafe and sat at a table to order our food. Just when the waitress walked away.. someone appeared.. someone I didn't want to see at all..

- Hey Nick.. Demi.. Can I talk with you for a second? - she asked me and I looked at Demi

- Yeah.. sure



I'm sorry.. I know it's short but I'm back in school.. I hope you like it anyways..

I still can't believe @hellyeahnemi is fucking voting in my story... 🎉💃

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