Chapt. 25: LoveBug

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I watched her walk away and checked out her ass.. Wasn't she beautiful?!!

- If you stay there, you'll have no cuddling or kisses

I chuckled running a hand through my hair smiling. I fucking love her

We stayed in the couch cuddling and watching movies. We talked about pretty much everything.. How we got together.. about Miley.. about our future.. I actually could see it with her.. I could see my future with her by my side..

Don't get me wrong.. I'm still young and I know that I know nothing about love or anything.. But she.. she was just special

I smiled and stood up walking away. I walked upstairs and picked up her guitar.

Going down the stairs, I imagined the best song ever.. Sitting next to her on the couch, she continued watching TV while I silently made a song.. everything on my mind..

- What are you writing? - she finally asked turning her head to me

- A song..

She rolled her eyes - Wow Sherlock!

I chuckled and turned my head back to the guitar. After a while of her staring, I turned back to her - What? You wanna hear it?

- You'll let me hear it?! - she smiled

- Sure why not?

- You normally get really mad when someone asks if they can hear what you're writing - she chuckled

I shrugged and started strumming - "I can't get your smile out of my mind, I think about your eyes all the time.. You're beautiful but you don't even try.. Modesty is just so hard to try.."

I stopped and smiled at her - That's so sweet!! Please continue..

I chuckled - I still need the main part but I can show you a different part..

She cutely clapped her hands giggling and I started strumming the guitar again - "I kissed her for the first time yesterday.. everything I wished that it would be.. Suddenly I forgot how to speak.. Hopless, Breathless, baby can't you see?!"

She smiled brightly- It's so cute!! The melody is perfect! Now we have a problem..

I frowned and leaned the guitar away

- I'm going to murder the girl who inspired you

I laughed out loud leaning my head back - Please don't kill her.. she's important to me..

- Is it Miley?

I laughed out loud and then even more when she made a face like she was talking seriously - You have to be joking! - I looked back at her - Come on Demi! The music is about you!!

Her face lightened up like a kid's face in christmas - Really?? About me?!

I laughed - You can't be seriously that dumb!

She looked down - No one ever wrote a song for me or even tried to impress me

I made an "awe" sound and pulled her to my chest - I'm not one of those douchebags you dated

She giggled and kissed my naked chest - You're perfect..

She pulled out and climbed on my lap kissing me.. we started to heavily make out.. hands all over each other, the sweet taste of her in my lips.. her small hands on my not very muscular chest and abs..

After a while, she pulled away blushing and smiling

- What?

She leaned into my ear and whispered sending chills down my spine - You're poking me

I grew nervous and tried to move a little but I was stuck between her legs.. If I moved a inch, I would either grow harder or embarrass myself

Fortunately, Demi moved, standing up on her feet while kissing me

These days have been the most awkward days of my entire life!


For a few days, Nick spent his holidays with his family and I went to Bora Bora with mine. It was so relaxing and great to be in the beach.

I've been online a couple of times and since our date, everyone has been talking about "Nemi" as they say.

Everyone wants their Shane and Mitchie together and I can't lie, sometimes that's really annoying.. It's my life!! Why can't they just look at their own lives?!

Coming back from Bora Bora, my manager announced that I would do a tour with the JoBros and some interviews in a few weeks..

I was excited since during my vacations in Bora Bora, I also launched a new album called "Here We Go Again"

The first interview came and we met back stage - Hey guys!! - I smiled

Kevin waved and Joe high-fived me - Demi!! How have you been?!

I chuckled - Great! and you?!

We chatted for a while and somehow, my eyes always drifted to Nick.. He wasn't saying anything.. just hearing the conversation and smiling.. like the Nick I knew.. calm and quiet

A few minutes later, I excused myself and went to my room.. I sat in the mirror and picked up my phone.

With him still vibrating, I checked my messages and saw a "We need to talk" from Nick

A knock brought me back to the real world and I turned my head seeing non-other than Nicholas himself

- Hey.. wanted to talk? - I asked

He smiled and closed the doors - I just wanted to know if we were going to say anything about us in the interview.. if they ask of course..

- Lets keep it a secret.. Just say were best friends..

He looked down - Ok

Standing up from my chair, I walked to him and frowned - Why the sad face?

- Nothing.. it's just dumb..

I chuckled - If it worries you, than it isn't - I winked

He sighed - I just.. sometimes think you don't wanna go public because you are ashamed of me..

I laughed out loud - Puuueeze! Ashamed of dating Nick Fucking Jonas?! From the Jonas Brothers? What reasons do you give me to be ashamed of?

He shrugged - I don't know.. why don't you wanna go public?

I turned around looking at the ground - I'm just.. sacred... scared of the hate.. Of the constant questions.. the constant stares they'll give.. we'll have no privacy!

His arms wrapped around me and he kissed my jaw - I know.. but we can't keep it a secret forever and people are already talking..

She sighed - I know.. can't we just wait a little longer?

I kissed her head and pulled away - Okay, lets go

I pulled her hand and we walked back to the door

- We're best friends.. just best friends - I winked at her and she smiled..

Let the interview start..

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