Chapt. 30: I'm Sorry...

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Nick pulled out and stared into my eyes.. the moment he opened his mouth, laughs started filling the bus and my eyes widened..

I crawled as fast as I could to the door shutting it and frantically stood up

- Shit!! The blood.. fuck

I opened the door and ran to the bathroom as the laughs became more evident and poured water in a towel. Running back to my bedroom, I shut the door again and started cleaning the floor

- Guys.. we have to go.. Demi are you performing or not? - I heard through the door

I looked at Nick and then looked down - No..

- You sure? - I heard Kevin ask

Nick stood up and walked to the door and opened it behind me closing it

- She's not going to perform.. she's sick.. - I heard him tell them.

I continued cleaning the floor while tears streamed down my face and then later cleaned my arm..

I went to the living room and minutes later saw Selena come inside the bus

- Selena?

She smiled - Demi!! How are you? It's been so long! - she smiled coming to hug me

Putting my happy fake face on while she was here, I hugged her back and then smiled - What are you doing here?

- Well.. - she started sitting next to me - I came back because I missed you..

- Yeah.. now tell me the real reason - I chuckled

She giggled and scratched her arm - Well.. I kinda miss Nick too..

My eyes widened - Oh really? You trying to get back to him? - I asked smiling

- Well.. he's just something different.. we ended a big bad and I miss him crazily.. you know how good he is

She looked away and I looked down to the floor - Yeah.. he's perfect..

- Where is he?

She turned yo me and I smiled again - They're probably getting ready to the performance..

- Why aren't you going? - she frowned

- I'm feeling kinda sick.. - I sighed looking to the TV

- You never called a show!! What did you did to my Demi?

I shrugged and she pulled me by the hand - Come on.. lets go!!

She dragged me across the bus and to the arena. We got inside and I carefully walked trying to avoid any kind of thought that would involve Nick and I..

I was also a bit scared of Selena right now.. he's going back to her for sure..

Why should I feel scared anyways? We're not together.. we broke up..

Yeah.. we came to an end..

A lady came to us and led us to my room where there was Nick.. really?! Sharing it with him?!

The moment we walked inside, I spotted him in his table. His head was on his hands and his elbows were on the table

My heart sank as I heard him sob.. of course Selena ran right to him - Nick are you okay?

He jumped at the touch and cleaned his tears quickly - I'm fine.. just remembered something painful..

He turned around and our eyes locked on each others.. my eyes started to water again and he came to me almost jumping to hug me

He balanced me from side to side in his arms as I sobbed.. This hurted so much

He leaned his face down and started to whisper "Don't cry please.." or "Stay strong"

He pulled away and I cleaned my eyes as Selena came closer to us - What's wrong?

- Nothing..

- Why are you both crying?! - she asked confused

- MDot got into an hospital today - Nick said surprising me

Was that true? Mathew was in the hospital?

- Really?! - Selena asked - Woow.. why?

- Got in an accident.. he was really close to us..

A woman came inside - Demi! Hurry up! The clothes are there! Nick!! You too!! - she said

- Sel.. We have to get ready okay? - I said

She nodded smiling and kissed my head - Don't worry.. he's going to be okay

She hugged Nick and I turned my head away - Bye Nick.. - she said in what sounded a smile

She got away and Nick grabbed my shoulders - Demi..

I looked up and waited for anything

- I'm sorry..


What does he mean with that???

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