Chapt. 41: Wow..

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We hot in the hospital and sat in the waiting room after going to the receptionist.. Nick was always repeating everything.. like he had Alzheimer..

- But what are you doing here in London? - he asked again

I was terrified.. What if he head Alzheimer?!

- Nicholas Jonas? - a man called

- Come on - I said pulling his arm.. we got inside and the medic started asking questions.. he did some routine tests and then a blood test

We were waiting on the doctors office when Nick started dozing off to sleep

The doctor came back in and I leaned towards Nick's ear

- Mr. Jonas, the blood tests arrived..

He looked up looking extremely tired and the doctor started talking

- There's nothing to worry about.. he was just drugged with a drug that makes him repeat everything called Katamine.. he'll be fine by tomorrow but I do recommend a good night of sleep..

- What about the headaches? - I asked touching his jaw since his head fell on my shoulder

- It's just the alcohol in his blood.. he'll be fine..

I smiled - Thank you sir!

We got out and I drove down to my hotel. We got inside and went to bed..

- I love you - he said making me smile

I cuddled more into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist - I love you too

He rubbed my back - I love you..

I kissed his chest and he repeated once again

- I love you

I drifted off to sleep and woke up the next morning with him still sleeping.. the events of last night came inside my head.. someone drugged him..

I knew Nick would never do drugs so I suppose someone tricked him..

He stretched his arm and looked down at me.. his face confused at first but then smothered - Am I dreaming?

- No.. why?

- What's my angel doing in London? Came to visit me?

I shook my head - You don't remember?

He frowned - Remember what?

I sat up and he got on his elbow. I started telling the entire story to him as he listened carefully while stroking my leg

- So I was repeating everything because I had something called Katamine in my body?

I nodded and he sat up - Demi I swear to god I would never cheat on you!! You know that right babe?

I looked down and he pulled my chin towards his face - Hey..

I looked in his eyes and he smiled slightly - What kind of genius would let perfection go?

I smiled slowly and he leaned to kiss me.. it was different from last night..

It felt more like him..

He wasn't a drunk guy making out with me in this moment and I found myself smiling through the kiss

- I love you Nick..


The rumors started to spread out.. the ones of eye witnesses who saw Demi in London.. People started to leave Rita Ora alone again and I left the "drug" thing as it was.. I wasn't really worried of who it might have been since I already had the fun I needed.. right now.. I just wanted to spend time with my girl..

Demi was debating in either stay in London or go back..

- You have nothing to do back there.. - I smirked walking to her

- I have nothing to do? I have to sign stuff.. make music.. iterviews.. family! - she giggled pulling my arms away as I tried to grab her by the waist

- You can do all that here.. well.. besides the family and sign stuff - I chuckled

- Are you sure? - she asked bitting her lip

- Of course I am! I would love to have you here

- But what will I do when you're rehersing.. are you expecting for me to stay at home forever? - she sarcastically noted

I leaned down towards her neck and started kissing it as her arms wrapped around my arms - You can come with me.. watch teh rehersals..

- Oh really?

I nodded saying "Mhmm" and she sighed as my kisses went down her shoulder. She started to walk backwards with me and we both fell on the bed, me on top of her

- Nick we don't have time to do it! - she giggled as I started to take my shirt off

- We have plenty of time - I smirked kissing her

Afterwards, I went down to the theater and Demi stayed at the hotel.. she said she would try to keep occupied

I had my rehersals and came back to find her playing in my guitar

She had her headphones on and the melody of the guitar was familiar to me..

- "Cause when you look me in the eyes... and tell me that you love me.. everything's alright.. when you're right here by my side.." - she sang looking out the window

I laid my stuff down and changed to my PJs.. basically, I took my clothes off and stayed in my boxers

I put my hand on her shoulder making her jump a little and she smiled

- I didn't saw you

I pecked her lips and she took her headphones out - Very concentrated in my songs we are huh?

She chuckled - Yeah.. I like to hear your voice when you're not with me.. and besides.. I was hearing this song all the time since there was a girl in rehab who loved you guys

I smiled sitting in a chair next to her - That's cool.. I think..

She laughed and took the guitar off - I'm soooo tired

- Then lets eat so we can go to bed.. I'm feeling extra cuddler today you know?

- Nick.. you're a bear.. no.. you are a Koala! - she chuckled - I'm basically a tree.. you just cuddle as a big spoon all the time.. it's impossible to be more cuddler than that

- Oh believe me.. it is possible! And don't try to say that you don't like it! I know you love it

She winked at me while putting two slices of pizza from yesterday in the microwave - What can I say? My boyfriend is a hottie.. It's good to cudle with him

I laughed - Yeah.. my girlfriends is pretty hot to.. She's like.. nothing like the little teenager I met

- I hope that's good.. - she giggled as I pulled her to my arms

- Can you believe we're friends for 4 years now?! How incredible is that?!

- Many more to come we hope - she smiled kissing me as the beeps from the microwave started to pop

We ate together and then went to bed to talk while cuddle.. It just felt so nice to hug her..

4 years.. wow..

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