Chapt. 29: Will You Stay Please?

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I opened my mouth in shock staring at him - What? - I asked feeling a lump form in my throat

He looked away for a little bit and started to move his leg up and down.

- I.. I wanna break up..

I felt the tears come in my eyes as his words echoed in my head.. break up?

- I was drunk Nick..

He took a deep breath - I'm sorry..

I looked away from him towards my door.. - Okay.. Tell them I won't perform tonight

With that, I reached my bedroom and locked the door feeling the sobs come out

I lost track of time as I cried until I was numb.. numb was the word..

I felt no emotion whatsoever..

Not controlling my body, I walked to my make up bag and took a razor out..

Staring at it for what seemed forever, all the flashes of me and Nick came..

The words "Break Up" hunting me made it even worse.. the only guy who made me feel beautiful.. the only guy who tried to help.. he's gone

- Demi.. why aren't you going to perform? - I heard Alyson ask through the door

- I'm.. sick.. - I answered just above a whisper.. she could hear me because I was against the door

- Are you hungry?

- No..

I heard footsteps toward the door and then a male voice saying "Can I talk with her in private?"

I heard nothing more.. just her footsteps going away

- Demi?

The tears came back to my eyes as his now sweet voice went through my ears

- Is it too late? - he asked

I stared at the clean blade in front of me and twisted it around between my fingers - I ask the same thing..

A series of sounds against the door told me he sat down against the door too - Demi.. don't do it..

- I just don't get it.. I was drunk I had no control on my body.. why are you doing this? - I asked feeling my heart break in pieces again

- Demi.. do you think this is easy for me?!

- Then why are you doing this? Don't you love me anymore?

- No it's not that Demi..

We stood in silence hearing each other breathing... I stopped spinning the blade and held it against my wrist


Demi contained her breath and something inside me clicked - Stop Demi no!!

I heard her contain her breath several times knowing she was cutting herself

- Demi please stop! - I begged as my tears started pouring out. I banged on the door making loud noises

She continued non-stop for a few more seconds and it felt like the world stopped..

- Demi open the door.. - I begged full on tears

I waited a few minutes and heard an unlock sound

Pushing the door open, I saw a small pool of blood next to me and Demi crawling to the dark side of the room that wasn't being illuminated by the living room light

- No..

She stopped and hugged her legs crying

I crawled towards her and sat next to her - This is all my fault - she whispered

I couldn't help but feel guilty.. if this didn't happened, she would've never go back to her bad habits

I pulled her legs toward me and she took her hands out to balance her

She looked into my eyes and I saw the hurt in them.. a broken girl..

I put my hand in her shoulder and slid it down her arm reaching her wrist.. my hand was covered in her blood and she flinched at the touch

Pulling it up carefully, I scanned the various cuts in her skin feeling even more guilty

- What are you doing? - she asked above a whisper

My eyes darted towards her as I brought her wrist up kissing a small scar that had less blood

She flinched a little and I pulled her waist closer to me making her fit perfectly on the crook of my neck

She started crying and tugging at my shirt as I kissed her head from time to time

- I need you.. I need you too survive.. You're my everything right now.. I'm weak without you.. You are so important to me.. please stay - she said between sobs


Will he say yes? no? what do you think?

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