Chapt. 39: Shit..

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I watched Nick's steps and every single time, it would get worse..

He was clubbing a lot and bars.. spent so many hours with that Rita girl that there were rumors that they were dating.. with that, people started to question the rumors that said we were together..

The stress was killing me.. the curiosity was slowly hurting me, so I did the biggest mistake I could've ever made..

I packed my bags and went to the airport

After hours and hours of flying I arrived at my hotel and went to sleep..

First thing I did when I woke up was checking online.. I felt like a stalker...

I took a deep breath and walked out my hotel room disguised so that no one could recognize me. I got a coffee and stared at the mug anxiously thinking if he was cheating or not.. he wouldn't do that.. would he?

Would he waste the wait he had and cheat on me?

Would he hurt me to that point?

I couldn't take anymore.. I threw the pounds in the balcony not sure if I gave too much money or not

I ran out the door and got in my car only stopping in front of his hotel..

I got to the balcony and asked for his room number.. once I got it, I walked to the elevator praying he didn't did anything..

I was praying so hard the tears started coming.. I expected the worse.. I expected seeing her there..

Sucking in my breath, I knocked on the door

Please don't hurt me..

Please don't hurt me..

Please don't hurt me..

The door opened and I looked up..

This was bad.. really bad..

- Huh.. who are you? - she asked with her British annoying accent.. not that British accent is annoying.. just when the person who speaks it is in a rob and nothing more..

- Who are you?

I looked more up and her face expression changed - Are you crying?

- Just.. just tell me who you are.. why are you in Nicholas' room?

She shrugged - well.. we had a great night you know? it was really fun so I stayed and slept here.. now who are you?

I covered my mouth hearing her words stab me over and over again.. Did.. did they had sex?!

- Just tell Nick that.. - I took a deep breath and calmed my sobs - tell him that I said that he should enjoy his single life..

Her eyebrow went up and I turned around hearing her shouting to me asking my name... as more as she talked, more sobs came out..


I woke up with a heavy headache and saw Rita on the couch

- Good morning.. - she smiled

- Hey.. how did you slept?

- Perfectly.. oh.. there was a girl that told me to say to you she hopes you enjoy your single life..

- What??

- Don't ask me.. she just ran away.. I didn't even got her name..

I rubbed my fingers against my head and got up going to the kitchen. After taking my breakfast, I walked to the bedroom opening my bag

The headache was killing me slowly.. I shouldn't have had so many drinks that night..

- Huh.. Nick..

I looked towards Rita and she gave me a paper.. more like the photo I had in my bag of me and Demi - This was the girl..

I looked on the photo and my eyes widened - Oh shit..

I ran to my bedside table hearing Rita asking "What's happening?"

I dialed Demi's number and of course it was off

I got my clothes - I gotta go.. stay here... if you leave, leave the key on the door okay?

Rita nodded and I ran out the room


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