Chapt. 33: Every Hello Ends With A Goodbye...

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Nick and I have been better again and he has been practically everyday with me.. He once told me that he was truly worried with me and didn't wanted me doing bad stuff so he would just supervise me every single day

What he didn't knew was that I would do stuff when I was in the bathroom.. the place where he couldn't even get in..

I didn't purged but I would cut myself a lot and sometimes, I would drink when he was in rehearsals

My birthday was amazing.. it was a bug party with everyone I loved and I was genuinely smiling all the time.. everyone congratulated me and gave me luck to the future..

My future wasn't that lucky.. Later on that tour, I had a break down and my parents discovered my secret..

I became clean to them and they were thinking in putting me to rehab which I totally denied!

One night, I was crying in my bedroom when I heard someone in.. Lifting my head up, I saw Nick coming through the door

- Hey.. - he quietly whispered

I sat up cleaning my tears - Hi..

He sat next to me and engulfed me in his arms - You okay?

I shook my head while pulling away from him - They wanna put me in rehab..

He intertwined our fingers and pulled them to his lap while I rested my head on his shoulder - Demi.. it's the best for you.. you know you have to go..

I nodded my head - You'll be here when I get back?

He chuckled softly kissing my head - Of course beautiful.. I'll write you letters every single week.. I promise

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath - Thank you.. I'm so sorry you had to put up with this messed up thing

He chuckled - believe me when I say that you made me smile and laugh like nobody did.. I swear to god! You are not only my girlfriend but my best friend and I couldn't have fallen in love with someone better than you

I looked up smiling - I love you Jonas

He leaned kissing me sweetly - I love you too Love

I felt asleep in his arms while we talked and woke up in the best place in the world.. his arms..

I stood up and picked my phone up calling my parents.. I had a long talk with my mom and we decided in going to rehab November

I stayed one last night in the tour bus and said goodbye to everyone.. Of course they only knew that I was going away.. they didn't asked questions though..

I spent the entire night with Nick.. we cuddled and kissed.. I was going to miss him so much..

We had fun and that was the most important thing in the world.. Nick made me smile even with me going to rehab in a few days

I cried the entire ride home after saying goodbye.. He was texting me non-stop and I was texting back.. It felt like I was going to die or something..

I leaned in my car seat and her his last sentence echo in my head..

"Pain will last for a small amount of time but the guilt of giving up will be forever.. Stay strong Love.. I'l be here waiting!"

I let some tears fall as I touched his dog tag.. The last thing he gave me..

These simple things would make me stronger.. I would stay strong

The night before I went to rehab, I recorded a last song.. It was about recovering and being strong.. I grabbed frantically his dog tag as I pour my heart and soul to the song

- "I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper!" - I sang in tears - "Like a skyscraper.. Like a skyscraper.."

I left the recording studio with my voice saved and kept that CD safe in my room from Dallas

The next day, I called Nick in tears to say one last goodbye

- Demi.. calm down - he said through the phone as I sobbed uncontrollably - You'll be fine

I nodded - I know.. I just.. I'm sacred..

He chuckled - Close your eyes

I took a deep breath an closed them making my sobs stop a little

- Now imagine me hugging you.. how do you feel?

I smiled as I felt his real arms touch me.. I sobbed a little more colliding against his real chest and opened my eyes to look into his real eyes - Safe..

He smiled and kissed me - I wouldn't miss this day you know that right?

I nodded kissing him again and hugging him tighter.. we swung in the parking lot in front of the center waiting until the very last minute to let go

Denise and Nick waved at me as well as my family and I got inside the glass doors..

Every hello ends with a goodbye...


Hey.. maybe this is the ending.. I don't know.. what do you think? Should I end it here?! :)

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