Chapt. 19: Last Day..

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The next day, I woke up really excited! I was going on a proper date.. I can't remember the last time I went in one.. Maybe with my last boyfriend but he really was a jerk.. he took me to a house that was near a garbage deposit and we stayed there in the horrible smell.. it was so horrible!

I took a glance in the mirror seeing if this dress was too much.. We don't want to show people we are dating.. Should I try another one?

I shook the idea off my head and put on my shoes to get out. It was a great day and I hope this date doesn't include bad smells..

The girls walked up to me and we all went to the front of the campus. Everyone was getting out probably..

I spotted Nick sitting in the edge of the small wall looking at nothing

Joe sat next to him and my attention rolled back to what the others were saying

- Me and Anna are going shopping do you girls wanna come? - Jasmine asked

Meaghan said yes right away and Chloe too

- I'll pass.. Me, Roshon and Jordan are going to the movies with Joe and Kevin..

Jasmine nodded and I looked down - What about you Demi? - Meaghan asked

Think Demi!! - Huh... I think I'm staying with N-Nick and Matthew I mean.. I can't let them alone..

- Actually ladies, I'm going with you Als - Matthew said putting his arms around me and Chloe

I can't believe this!! Best lie ever!!

- Oh.. so then is just me and Nick - I smirked

Meaghan and Matthew changed a look and I suddenly felt suspicious.. did they knew anything? Why was this working too well?..

- Well then that's it! - Jasmine clapped

We said goodbyes and I slowly walked towards Joe and Nick - Hey guys

Nick turned his face up and smiled at me - Hi Dems! How are you?

I giggled - Good.. Well.. the girls are going shopping, the guys and Aly are going to the movies.. wanna do anything with me?

Joe chuckled - Oh I know what you guys are going to do

He smirked and walked away embarrassing me completely..

- Matthew and Meaghan know.. - Nick mumbled

- About..

- Yep

- How??

- Well.. I may or may not have us as a wallpaper on my phone.. well.. I don't have it anymore - he half smiled

- You're lucky you're cute.. I would've killed you by now

He chuckled and nudged me - I love you

I smiled and looked around - I love you too

He smiled and stood up - Lets go?

I nodded my head and we got to the others, Matthew and Meaghan came towards us and of course, started bugging is

- Why didn't you told me? - She asked

I looked down shyly - Because we didn't wanted to have stares.. like the ones Mdot is giving us right now (Mdot a.k.a. Matthew)

- That's actually a good point of view - she chuckled slapping him slightly in the head

- That kinda hurts!

She rolled her eyes and shrugged.. - Lets leave them alone you jackass - she said sarcastically

I looked at Nick and he shrugged.. awkward

The big car came and they discussed who should go in it.. after the second one departed, we waited a little more for ours

He came and we sat in the back seat. Nick gave him the directions and he started driving. I looked out the window and watched the buildings move

- After this date, the media will probably go crazy you know? - he said looking at our locked hands

I looked back at him - I know.. I'm kinda ready.. aren't you?

He looked up a smiled. I looked back to the window and started thinking about stuff.. Max, my bodyguard, was meeting us there since BigRob was with Kevin and Joe.

We arrived and got out of the car as quickly as possible. There some photographers and we knew there would be lot more after the bowling

We walked inside and walked to the man behind the countertop

- 2 players in 1 - Nick smiled opening his wallet

- Hi Nick, how are you?

- I'm great Mark.. Mark, Demi.. Demi, Mark!

He gave me his hand and I shook it - What's your size?

- 37

He turned back and took two pairs of shoes resting them on top. Nick gave him the money and then the exchange. I practically ran to the place.

- I've never bowled before - I admitted

He chuckled - It's not a big science.. just knock 'em down

I tied my shoes and went to pick up my ball. There were some people around us but not many.. Max was outside when I last saw him and that meant we could be us..

Nick went first and threw the heavy ball like an expert. Crossing leg, extending his arm, perfect balance.. WTF? Is he perfect or what?

- Your turn

I picked up my ball and of course, as jelly as I am, I almost dropped it

- Shit this is heavy

He laughed loudly and walked to my side - Try this one

- I don't like yellow.. - I pouted

- Yeah, but you also don't want a smashed bone.. this one is lighter

I groaned and rested the one in my hands. I picked up the ball from his hands and he smirked

I walked to the line and threw the ball hitting most of the pins but not all

It was fun while it last but we didn't wanted to go back just yet.. We stayed a little more and played some games in the playroom

I had fun and it actually felt great! We didn't hugged and all that jazz like the normal couples do but I had fun being like a best friend.. of course we did stole se kisses here and there

We walked to the doors and Max went in front of us to open the space. God bless that guy! I didn't know what I would do if I didn't had him!

He said goodbye to me and the walked out of the car. He was like family to me! Max was always there and he was also my friend!

Nick pulled me to a hug when everything was closed and I giggled - You're crushing me

- I don't care.. this feels to good

I laughed loudly and relaxed a bit.. it actually felt good indeed

We arrived back at the campus and it was getting dark.. we went to his cabin and hanged out for a while.. We went to cafeteria and ate.. it was sad that the last day was ending..

At night we all sat around the fire, including staff members and dancers, and sang songs all together.. It was pretty cool.. I sang songs from my new album "Here We Go Again", the brothers sang sneak peeks from his upcoming album "Lines, Vines & Trying Times", Aly sang some of her songs as well as Jasmine

We were kind of a family now.. it was sad.. we probably won't see each others anymore.. I knew that the brothers were., but I will miss the others too..

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