Chapt. 35: Surprise

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A few weeks passed and Demi returned to her old life.. she was 24 hours per day stressed and I was pretty much living with her

- I never asked but.. why were you here when I got out.. I mean.. in my house

I looked up from my plate smiling - I guess I wanted to be the first face you'd see.. I don't know..

She blushed and drank a little more of her water

- What do you say in celebrating your comeback? - I suggested taking a bite of my food

- Sure.. why not? What do you have in mind?

I smiled and stood up after finishing my plate - Ideas

She rolled her eyes making me chuckle while I walked to the sink

- What kind of ideas?

- Great ideas!

- Just tell me!! - she frowned standing up

- Tell you what?

She reached the sink and laid down her plate so I could clean it - Tell me what are we going to do

- What are we going to do

- Come on!!! She groaned punching my shoulder slightly - Say it!

- It - I chuckled making her glare at me

- I hate you so much

I laughed and she walked away - I love you to Demi

She stopped by the door smiling - You're lucky you're cute

I winked at her smirking and went back to my dishes.. life was amazing and I couldn't be happier

I finished cleaning the dishes and walked to the living room turning off the lights I sat next to Demi and she leaned against my shoulder..

- You tired?

She nodded sleepily and I kissed her head. We watched TV and talked for a while since we ate pretty late today. She fell asleep in my shoulder so I carried her upstairs and laid her down on the bed. I got inside myself and then fell asleep quickly


When I woke up, I woke up in a car.. in a backseat

- What the hell?

I looked to the driver and he smiled at me - Good Morning Love! Here's your breakfast and you have clothes there to change if you want to

I looked around and we were in a driveway - For a second I thought I was kidnapped!

- You were.. by me - he chuckled

I got dressed and ate my breakfast as fast as I could - Tell me why are we in a car at.. 9:00 a.m. in the morning - I asked looking at the clock

- It's my surprise..

I mouthed an "oh" and continued eating. We stopped to eat lunch and then I jumped into the front seat.

- Are you going to tell me where are we going? - I asked bored after hours of driving.. good thing I had the radio music

- We're almost there babe.. just a few more miles

The landscape started to change and in a few minutes we were surrounded by trees

I looked around in the familiar place and then looked in front realizing we were in Toronto

Where we met..

In the Camp Rock set...

I smiled - Oh my god

He smiled back and parked the car infront of the Camp door.. It hasn't change a bit!

- Do you remember? This was your cabin!

He chuckled and pointed at my old one - That was yours and that was Kevin's - he pointed at another

I smiled taking his hand - This is perfect! - I giggled pulling him down the hill

I reached the bench and sat on it.. - So many memories here.. - I giggled

He sat next to me and I leaned my head in his shoulder - Perfect memories.

We talked for a while watching the sun set and then took the short cut towards the camp star..

It was still there but the door was closed..

- Aww.. I wanted to go inside.. - I frowned

He chuckled and pulled me by the hand - Maybe the stair case is open

We walked up the stairs and watched the empty stage.. this was magical to me

Nick hugged me from behind and leaned his head next to mine - Our first kiss.. It was right there

I smiled remembering - Yes it was.. and it was magical

I turned in his arms and saw the same adoration he had years ago.. the same intensity

We kissed for. A few minutes and then walked to the stage.. it was like going back in time to the amazing nights we spent together..

It was an amazing feeling!

Best surprise ever!!

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