Chapt. 36: I Miss Camp Rock..

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We had fun for a while into the night and then both of us started to get tired..

We sat in two chairs and some memories rushed back..


- You scared me.. so bad - I said lifting my head.

I looked straight in her eyes so that she could see how scared I was in them.

- And I still love you but.. this..

She looked down at her knees - Is too much..

I nodded - Yes..

** End of Flashback

- Nick? Why are you crying? - I heard her ask

I looked towards her and saw her smile - I just.. remembered stuff..

- You softened through the years - she giggled - You never cried back then

I smiled cleaning my eyes - I guess so..

We stood up and walked back to the Camp Rock

- It's getting late.. what do we do?

I stopped looking around - Do you think the beds are still here?

She shrugged - this was a real camp before.. maybe they are..

We walked to my old cabin and the door was unlocked. The place was older now.. the smell wasn't that good but bearable and there were some spider webs in the corners of the room

- This is disgusting.. - she noted making a not too pleasant face

- It's sad that the place of our memories got to this no?

She nodded and we walked out... - Now what? I bet my cabin is the same..

- Now we'll go sleep on the car..

She sighed - Okay.. lets just.. see how it is mine.. just to check..

We walked up the stairs and she turned the door knob - wow..

- I think this was made to do another movie

She chuckled and walked to the bed.. her cabin was clean but still old.. at least didn't had a smelly air..

- Then lets sleep here.. right?

I chuckled - You really hate cars!

I went back to the car and got some blankets out of the back.. I walked back and saw Demi laid down on the bed..

- This was the most amazing day of my entire life - she said with a smile

I got the blanket on top of her and then took my jeans off to get more comfortable

She walked to the car and came back in her pajamas - You had a great decision this morning

I chuckled and she crawled to the bed kissing me - I love you..

I smiled down at her - I love you to Love..

She pulled her shirt off and then took mine making my heart beats increase.. she kissed me intensely and I ran my hand up her back unclasping her bra


I woke up the next day feeling Nick's hands play with my hair.. he stopped once I moved my head up - Please continue.. that feels amazing

He smirked - Continue what?? Playing with your hair or fucking you?

- You're an asshole!! - I chuckled laying back down - Have you ever did it before?

- Do you think I have been with anyone since you left?

I looked up and smiled - You haven't?

- My girlfriend was in rehab.. that doesn't mean I stopped loving her..

I covered my face in his chest even though he already knew I was blushing and closed my eyes - I'm soo grateful for having you in my life.. or should I say "blessed"

He laughed not stopping playing with my hair - For your information, "blessed" is the most beautiful word that could ever exist.. - he said looking down at me

I leaned up and kissed him - Consider last night my birthday present for you

He laughed - Best late gift ever!!

I shook my head smiling and got up pulling the blanket with me

- Hey!! You're not the only one naked here okay?

He pulled the covers and I fell back on the bed - Then how are we going to do this?

- Why do you need the blanket? I already saw everything last night..

I covered my face withe the hem of the blanket - Stop saying those stuff!!

- It's cute to see you blush - he said in a chuckle

I felt the bed rise and then someone pulled my arms

I opened my eyes as the blanket fell and he kissed me pulling me by the waist.. I pretty sure he could feel everything just like I could feel

He pulled back and I blushed a little as he hugged me - You are beautiful

I smiled and kissed his muscular chest - You are perfect

He chuckled and we separated from each other to look for our clothes.. we got ready and went back to the car

I sat in the front seat and saw the hours in my phone.. 8:00 am

- What do you want for breakfast?

I shrugged - I don't care..

He started the car and I stared back at the camp - I miss Camp Rock.. - I sighed

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