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👥Indiana Massara                122,438 ❤Lil indi Hood 😂🥰

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👥Indiana Massara 122,438 ❤
Lil indi Hood 😂🥰


Jadenhossler beware of the big bad wolf 😳
Indianamassara I'll keep my out

Elianderson you're so cute! 💕
↪Indianamassara saysss

Madslewis Such a cute outfit 🥰

Sebastianmoy pwetty

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I ran upstairs into Elissa bedroom where Elissa and indi where and I told them that we are going to go to a party at Max and Harvey's wnd them being girls they freaked out as usual

The people who got invited where

Indiana Massara
Jaden Hossler
Sebastian Moy
Oliver Moy
Chase Keith
Elissa Anderson
Max Mills
Harvey Mills
Loren gray
Matt sato
Mads Lewis


Mads and Indi was ready and I couldn't find a outfit

"Indiana and I will help you find a outfit if you want" She says with smile and starts looking through my wardrobe

"That would be great thanks" I say releaved with a chuckle

Once they find me something to wear I go into the bathroom and the come back out once I changed and they looked at me

"What is it a bad outfit?" I say nervously

"No" they both laughed

Chase Drives us there with him we arrive and walk in

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Chase Drives us there with him we arrive and walk in


👥Maxandharvey                2,857,642 ❤see yous all at the party soon

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👥Maxandharvey 2,857,642 ❤
see yous all at the party soon

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"Indiana Massara stop right there!" U hear someone say so I turned around

"I challenge you to an arm wrestle" he slurs. Then I heard Elissa pushing through everyone

"Look olly your obviously drunk sit down and have some water" she says walking up to him" She tells him with an annoyed sigh

He just rolled his eyes


I felt Someone tap my shoulder so I turned around

"Hi I'm matt Indiana's friend" he says kindly introducing himself

"Nice to meet you" I smile putting out my hand to shake his hand

"A hand shake, what am I your uncle?" He chuckled and I ended up bursting out with laughter

We followed each other on insta and added each other on Snapchat. Once I talked to him I walked around and saw
Loren was chatting with Max and Harvey, Chase was talking to Jayden, Sebastian just walked over to Matt and Mads was with Indi and Mads was talking with Indi and zoe

I went outside and saw Oliver on the step he looked different. There was no emotion on his face

"You okay idiot" I chuckle trying to make him smile. He stood and looked down at me

"Go away Elissa you only care about yourself" he said and rolled his eyes. Wow is that really what he thinks of me

I take a seat on the step and pull him down to seat with me

"How long have we been Neighbours for?" I ask him to see if he knows

"7 years" He said sounding annoyed. He got the answer correct

"Even know I can get pissed of by you doesn't mean you can't tell me anything" I say trying to get along with him

"You know how i-" He starts talking quietly.

Untill Mads, loren, and Indi come out and say they are going home and I had to go because I haven't got my car with me. I stood up and left without saying another word to him

"What was that about? Usually I see olly and he is a pain" She chuckles and looks as confused as my face was

"I really don't know" I say and shrug my shoulders

Once I got home Indi wanted to stay with me so I let her. A few hours passed and I heard someone open the door when I got up at 2:34am to pee

I have a frying pan my hand and I look down stairs about to swing. When I saw a guy with a black hood up leaning over my couch. The turned around

"Woah!" He shouted and pulled his hood down

"Jaden you gave me a heart attack" I said shocked

"Sorry" he said awkwardly

"Its okay" I chuckled

He got his phone he forgot and left
Waving goodbye

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now