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A few months later

Oli and I have had quite an interesting but good relationship. It's weird how you can go from hating to then falling for him. I haven't seen him for two weeks as he's been away with his family

I'd never expect to see myself with Oli, as his girlfriend. We've been together for a good while now. Even after our ups and our downs we've still stuck together. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. I feel so lucky

"ELISSA!" I hear chase shout from downstairs. I get of my bed and run downstairs

"WHAT?" I shout as I run to find him

"so what do you think Oliver would like for his birthday?" he asks me panicking

Today's Oliver's birthday and I've got him and birthday present already even though he told me not to get him one but I needed to

"you're his best friend, you should know what to get him" I tell him confused and grab some grapes of the table

"well yeah but I don't want to get him something he won't like" he tells me awkwardly

"and you're his girlfriend-" he starts to say but I cut him off

"no way! Am I since when?" I say acting shocked but he just rolled his eyes

"where even is he right now?" I ask him and I walk back over to him confused

"oh him and Sebastian went to go get things for the party" he tells me with a smile

"wait you're telling me he's buying his birthday stuff?" I ask him shocked

"no Sebastian is" he says confused

"good cause it's his birthday he shouldn't have to spend a penny" I say

I go on to my phone and see Oliver has postes a new Instagram photo that made me smile

I go on to my phone and see Oliver has postes a new Instagram photo that made me smile

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👥Olivermoy 997,084 ❤️
Well happy birthday me 🥳


Elissa.anderson Happy birthday my love 💘
↪️Olivermoy thank you ily Eli 💞

ChaseKeith happy birthday, have a good day 😘💓💖🎉🥰😗😉😜
↪️OliverMoy haha thank you 🥰😘💓

Indianamassara Happy birthday Oliver! ❤️
↪️Olivermoy thank uuuu ❤️

Sebastianmoy Happy birthday bro, have a good day ❤️
↪️Olivermoy thank you ❤️

Jadenhossler happy birthday, can't wait to see you today 😉❤️
↪️Olivermoy thank you 😘😂❤️

Madslewis happy birthday Oliver ❤️
↪️OliverMoy thank you ❤️

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"So when is everyones going to arrive?" I ask Chase as I sit my phone onto the counter

"um indi is supposed to be here anytime now and zoe and Cody will be here in a hour then Sebastian and Oliver will be here before alot of people arrive I think" he says sounding confused

"well aren't you great help" I laugh

"duh" he laughs

"Wait do Oliver's fans know you're his girlfriend?" he asks me shocked

"well I don't know if we have ever announced we are together but I think it's pretty obvious, I mean we post pics of each other either making fun of each other, saying that we love them or something like that. So I think we've made it pretty obvious and the majority of the people are supportive" I smile

"that's good, they should be" he says with a smile

"Hello my people!" we hear as Indiana bursts through the door all bubbly

"so we have a few hours before people arrive and I did bring my outift I'm going to wear cause there is no way I'm going to wear these sweaty clothes" she says running up to us

"okay Indi calm down" I chuckle

"sorry, birthdays get me hyper" she says happy

"well I'll let yous-" Chases starts to say but he stops himself when he sees Indiana's phone light up with a new message

"what?" She asks him confused

Then I look and see what Chase saw


BLAKE: Thanks for today Indi x

"who's Blake?" Chase says with a cheeky smile taking her phone and holding it above his head

"he's a friend" she says and snatches her phone

"okay" he says with a funny wink

"so Elissa could you help me get the cake out of my car?" she asks me with a smile

"yeah sure" I say and follow her outside

"so are you excited for tonight?" she asks me as she opens her boot

"yeah" I say walking over to her

"I know Oliver and I haven't been together for ages but it had felt like it. I'm glad that I'll be apart of his birthday" I say as a smile forms on my face

"It's good to see you happy" she smiles and I help her take the cake in

"So" I say as we sit it on the counter

"I'll go get ready and I'll see yous in a few" I tell them and then I walk upstairs

I go into my room and look for a nice outift but I ended up spending a good while finding something until I found the perfect thing for tonight

I go into my room and look for a nice outift but I ended up spending a good while finding something until I found the perfect thing for tonight

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I put some makeup on to match my outfit and went back downstairs and Indiana was ready to. Chase already got ready before he came so he didn't need to change into anything else

We got everything ready as just as finished setting everything up I heard the door open and Sebastian walked in

"Hey Seb where's Oli?" I ask him confused

"he's just about to come in" he tells me happy

But I couldn't wait, it's been two weeks. I ran past Sebastian and I saw him car parked in front of my house instead of next door. I then see Oliver step out of the car looking at the floor then when he gets out he looks around as I wait for him to notice. I then see him look foward to where I was standing I see him smile

God I've missed him. I run towards him and when I get to him he lifts me up, holds me tight and hugs me. After we hugged he let me back down

"Hey" I smile really happy. I'm so glad he's here

"hey Eli" he smiles

"Happy birthday" I say to him happily

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now