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👥Elianderson                         543,856 ❤

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👥Elianderson 543,856 ❤


Mattsato beautifull
Elianderson ty!

Madslewis you're looking fab
Elianderson ily!

Jadenhossler cool shirt
↪Elianderson ty!

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👥Chasekeith                           175,452 ❤So Christmas is soon :)

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👥Chasekeith 175,452 ❤
So Christmas is soon :)


Elianderson can't wait!!
↪Chasekeith it's going to be great

Sebastianmoy looking foward to it
↪Chasekeith samee

Indianamassara looking good bestie x
Chasekeith thanks bestie x

Indiana and I decided to meet up with Sebastian at starbucks considering we haven't talked to him much recently

Oliver was sitting with Sebastian but he looked different when he saw me come in he freaked out and hid his face in his hood

"Hey seb" I say sitting down awkwardly looking at Oli

"Hey, Oh don't worry about Oliver he is.... Its a long story" he said leaning over the table whispering to me

"Hey Elissa come to the bathroom with me" Indiana said randomly

"Why?" I asked her confused. But she grabs my hand and drags me into the empty bathroom

"So I was thinking, how about we prank Oliver cause he pranked you like a thousand times now" she witha smirk giving the best idea I've heard

"Of course" I smiled giving her my answers quickly

We decide that we will give him water with salt in it. Yeah I know boring prank but still, on Monday he has football so we will put it into his water bottle

Next day

I got a text for Jaden

Jaden: can you pick me up from football

Elissa: Sure

Jaden: thanks that means alot

End of chat

So pick up Jasen and I get ready to get my prank get into action

I drive there and arrive early. All the boys have their shirts off and I'm not that type of girl to droul over them

"Hey!" I heard Jaden shout

"Come play a last round with us" he asks me and my dancing skills could probably help with this but no one knows that Indi and I do. I guess we just like our privacy

"No thanks" I say awkwardly

"Don't worry Jaden she's rubbish at football" Oliver says laughing

I walk up to Oliver and he doesn't back away instead he puts a hand on my shoulder and I flick it away

"Let's play some football" I say smirking
I join Jaden's team and not Oliver's

I was doing an decent ob but I wasn't winning, then Oliver trips me up and I don't know if it was a accident or not but I decided to act like I was in pain

They all start yelling at Oliver and before they realise I just won the game

"Wait wha-" He says confused

"Its called acting" I chuckled and flicked my hair. I then saw Oliver pick his drink and take chug alot of it down then spit it out

"Who did thi-" he asks looking around seeming annoyed but I cut him off

"Me" I laughed then ran to my car with Jaden. I get in the car lock it and drive away laughing with Jaden

"That was you?" He asks surprised and I nodded my head

I dropped off Jaden at his house and then made my way to see Oliver outside of my house eating pizza.Weird. I decided to slowly approach him

"Can we talk?" He asks chuckling a bit

"Nothing serious but just talk" he added

"Sure, wait is this a set up where are the bears?" I ask checking my surroundings as i sit next to him

"what no?" He laughs confused. Wow that's the first time Oli has ever laughed at me for saying something funny

"So in Europe did you get any friends? He asks and contuined to eat his pizza

"No" I mumble under my breath looking down at my feet

"Hold on so you went two years without any friends?" He asks me confused and sounding shocked

"What about you Oli? Got a new girlfriend again" I laugh

"Nothing serious, makeouts there and there but nah" he said and shrugged his shoulders

"Wow" I say standing up "Thats crazy"
I say shocked

"Em Elissa" He says awkwardly

"What is there a spider on me?" I say slapping my shoulder and he chuckled again

"I don't want us to always hate each other" he said softly looking up at me with his brown eyes

"Well you can be a annoying, an idiot-" I started to say but he cut me off

"Okay Eli I get your point" He said rolling his eyes. So I point a hand on his shoulder

"How about frenimes?" I ask him raising an eyebrow

He stands up and shakes my hand.
"Its a deal" he smirked

I walk in my house and see that my dog Teddy is asleep. Cute.

👥Elianderson                      1,245,795 ❤best thing I have seen today

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👥Elianderson 1,245,795
best thing I have seen today


Indianamassara Cuteness overload 🥺
Elianderson 🥺❤

Maverickbaker Such a cutie
Elianderson ikr 🥺❤

Lani baker I need him
↪Elianderson he's mine soz 😌

Cashbaker Almost as cute as me
Elianderson 😂

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