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I ran after her. I had too


"hey!" I shout then she turns around and walks up to me

"Are you ok?" I ask her

"It really does hurt that I can't tell you"
She says sounding sad

"No you can tell me" I say feeling bad for her

Oliver I don't know if I can, just please give me some space" she said lowly

"Ok" I responded


You're probably wondering what I can't tell him and I can't tell him the truth about Europe

For the rest of the day I avoid Oliver. 6th period I had a free period and I found Mads sat at a wall eating a chocalate bar. So I sat down next to her.

"Hey do you want some of my chocalate" She says with a full mouth

"No thanks, so how are you?" I Smiled

"Good, but tomorrow we have p.e
She sighs

"Oh I completely forgot about that" I chuckled

"Is that the fire alarm?"
She says confused as the alarm went off


We are running outside, usually it's a fire drill but apparently it wasn't

I then find Indiana with chase.

Indian is the only one who knows about what happened in Europe. We where standing outside

"See the new kid zack he is a douchebag" She says annoyed

"I know" I say agreeing

Then I see Oliver and when he sees me he runs over to me

"Um guys I got to go find my...tomatoes" I lied


"Tomatoes?" He says confused

"Hey guys, um where did Elissa go?" He asked sounding out of breath

"She went that way" I say pointing to where she went

"She's looking for tomatoes" He says laughing

"Okay" He says then walks away.


Everyone was allowed back in school and I get a text from Oliver

Oliver: hey just making sure, you're still coming to study?

Elissa: yes, I am

Oliver: ok see you then

End of Chat

After school I went next door to Olivers.

When he let me in we we studying at the kitchen table

"Alright what do you not get?" He asked

"Everything" I sigh

He chuckles

Oliver: listen, you don't have to tell me what happened in Europe. I understand" he says softly

I smile back

After 2hrs of studying

"Listen I ordered pizza I hope you are ok with that" he smiled

"Um, that's a stupid question, I love pizza" I smildd

We go upstairs into Olivers room and he sees I'm laughing at something on my phone so he asked me

"What are you laughing at?" He asks curiously

"Nothing" I say trying to keep a straight face

He stands up for the chair where was sitting.

"Give me your phone" he laughs

"No!" I shout as he Chases me around the room

He tries to push me on his bed as an attempt to get my phone. But to stop we from falling I grab his shirt and he falls on top of me, then Sebastian walks in.

"What the hell, get of her!" He says sounding annoyed then Oliver stood up

Once I was finally able to get up I needed to make sure nothing bad would happen

"Right before pushes get thrown, it was not olivers fault kinda, I grabbed his shirt and he fell on top of me" I say nervously

"Okay" Seb said sounding confused

"Trust me, I won't be getting all smoochies with your brother seb" I chuckled

"That sounded alot better in my head" I say awkwardly

"Okay well pizza is here" he smiled

As Oliver and I walk out after Seb, Oliver winks at me

"Hey! What was that wink?" I say hitting his shoulder playfully

"Oh you wish you could get all smoochie with me" he smirked

"Wow, it's been a while since I last heard from this Oliver" I said playfully rolling my eyes

"Really I still have that in me just I don't act it as much, sometimes I forget" he smirks

We then go downstairs

"So eli why are you not extremely small, usually girls are way smaller than me your only at my shoulder" he says confused

"Oh Oli, just wow" I chuckled

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now