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Today is Saturday, I woke up and got changed into some comfy clothes.

I brushed my hair and teeth, and got a text from Oliver.

Oliver: hey if you're free want to grab breakfast

Elissa: sure where?

Oliver: Sweet taste (name of place)

Elissa: yeah sure, see you there

End of chat

I walked to the restaurant because it isn't far from my house.

When I arrive I see oliver sitting at a table.

I walk up to him and take a seat

Oliver: hey
He says smiling

Elissa: hey you.
I say smiling back

We ordered our food and as we where eating Oliver says

Oliver: look I'm never going to forgive myself for what I did.
He says quiet and sad

Elissa: I have to admit it did hurt, but that's in the past and I have decided... To give you a second chance.
I say happy

Oliver: I missed you
He says happy

Elissa: missed you too.
I say happy


Why can't I just say I love her, why I have to do it soon or she will think I don't like her.

Oliver: so how's your mum?
I ask her shyly

Elissa: great news, she doesn't have cancer anymore.
She says with a huge grin

Oliver: really? That's great news Elissa.
I say smiling

Elissa: don't think I have asked you, how have you been?
She says drinking her diet coke

Oliver: eh OK the usual.
I say with a chuckle at the end

She laughs to

Elissa: so olly what is your fear?
She says laughing

Oliver: death.
I say laughing

Elissa: same, but I am mostly scared of spiders.
She says happy

Oliver: all girls are scared of insects.
I say annoyed but not In a bad way

Elissa: not true, Indiana loves butterflies.
She says correcting me

Oliver: but a butterfly isn't scary.
I say obvious

Elissa: whatever.
She says smiling


Zoe and indana where over and so was Chase.

We were in my room

Chase: so has Oliver sad the 3 words.
He says awkwardly

Elissa: we're breaking up?
I say shocked

Indiana: no.
She says laughing

Zoe: you know.
She says smirking

Elissa: I don't know.
I say confused

Elissa: wait Ew.
I say grossed out

Indiana: no not that.
She says laughing

Chase: will someone just tell her.
He says annoyed

Zoe: has he said "I love you"

Elissa: oh... No.
I saw thinking about it

Chase: maybe he is nervous.
He says smiling

Elissa: maybe I mean I don't know.
I say awkwardly

Zoe: what do you mean?
She says confused

Elissa: I mean, maybe he doesn't love me.
I say sad

Indiana: listen don't know why you're thinking that, because Oliver is obsessed with you.
She says annoyed by what I said

New message

I pick up my phone to see its from Oliver.

Oliver: can you meet me at the park.

Elissa: sure

Indiana: who was it?
She says happy

Elissa: hm?
I say confused

Chase: who texted you?
He says laughing

Elissa: oh its Oliver I'm meeting him at the park.
I say happy

After my friends left I walked to the park.

When I got there I saw Oliver sitting on a swing

Oliver: hey.
He says as I approach him

Elissa: hey.
I say as he stands up of the swing

Oliver: remember when you moved in you came to this park when your mum and dad where unpacking the van.
He says happy

Elissa: yeah and I saw you and Sebastian.
I say happy

Oliver: you got along with my brother, but me you hated and I loved that you hated me.
He says laughing at the end

Oliver: Elissa you mean the world to me.
He says looking at me

Elissa: you too Oliver.
I say blushing

Oliver: I'm so happy you are my girlfriend and what I want to say to you is.
He says nervous

He takes a deep breath and then smiles at me

Oliver: Elissa, I love you.
He blurts out

I then crash my lips on to his and he kisses back. I pull away. With my hands wrapped around his neck.

I look at him and say.

Elissa: I love you too olly.
I say smiling

Also then lots of people liked me and Oliver together.

Stephanie and I became kinda friends. Danielle had to move.

Jesse was still kinda a ass. Mark became less selfish.

At the school me, Oliver, cody, Indiana, zoe, Sebastian, Chase, Mark, Jesse and Stephanie all sait down and had lunch together.

And I was beyond happy. Because I now don't hate Oliver Moy, I love Oliver Moy.

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