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👥Sebastianmoy 840,145 ❤Yellow 👋

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👥Sebastianmoy 840,145 ❤
Yellow 👋


Elianderson Why does ur thumb look broken
Sebastianmoy idk 🤠

Madslewis Green 💚
↪Sebastianmoy yellow 😑

Chasekeith looking good
Sebastianmoy ur too sweet ☺😏

Indianamassara imagine copying the same colour i wore
Sebastianmoy I know I'm very unoriginal

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Its Wednesday tomorrow I am recording the song with Harvey. I get up and see a message on my phone from my mum

Mum: hi sweetie I won't be back in town until 2 weeks

Elissa: Why

Mum: sorry sweetie work stuff

End of chat

I just sigh and drive to school. On my way in I see Danielle, she was making out with a guy who had her again the wall, I realised that it wasn't Oli it was someone else, it was Jesse. Before they see me I run away.

Then Indiana texts me

Indiana: hey Mads is in the hospital.

Elissa: why

Indiana: to make sure her hands okay

Elissa: oh okay

Elissa: where are you

Indiana: walking to school

Elissa: I will pick you up and we will visit Mads

Indiana: okay but what will we say when teachers realise we aren't in school today

Elissa: we are sick

Indiana: see you in a minute then

Elissa: okay bye

End of chat

On my way out of the school chase Oliver, Jaden and Sebastian where the doors are so I pushed through and ran.


"Is she okay" I asked confused.

"The time of the month" Sebastian chuckled

I get Indi and we drive to the hospital when we get there we go up to her ward and see her sitting on a chair.

"Hey Mads you okay?" Indiana said giving her a hug

"Um I will be fine I'm getting out tonight which is great" She says relieved

"That's great" I smiled

We both stayed with Mads for a few hours. Once we left I drove her Indiana home


Turns out she is leaving tomorrow morning instead and won't need to worry about going to school tomorrow because I'm recording a song instead which I'm looking foward to
I get up and get ready brush my hair and get apple and drive to the recording studio.

I open the door to see Andy and Mikey chatting and Rye and Brooklyn laughing.

I turn around and see Jack and harvey.

"Okay is everyone trying to kill me" I sigh with a chuckle

"Uh" Jack says sarcastically so I hit his arm playfully

"Alright so Eli are you ready to get to work" he smiled

"Yeah" I said. But because Roadtrip have never heard me sing before I was nervous.

Harvey was singing his part then I realised in a 1 second it would be my turn to sing.

Its alright to hold someone tight everyday and night I can see it and believe it if it's true to believe that we are more that we can see.

"Harv that girls got talent" Rye says sounding shocked

"Thanks, but I'm not that talented" I chuckled

"You're great" Harvey said and nudged my arm with a smile

"No, no Harv this is how you do it" Jaxk says then picks me up and spins me around "This is how you do it" he laughed

"Okay I get your point put me down please" I say laughing so he put me back down

Buzz buzz

Oh that's my phone, I say grabbing it out of my pocket.

Then it was a message from my mum.

Mum: hey sweetie not going to be back until next month.

"You okay Eli?" Jack asks concerned

I can't keep it in anymore, I run outside and slide my back down a wall. I realised Jack came and sat down next to me. He pulled me in for a hug and I digged my head into his chest

"Sorry i am a mess" I say crying into his shirt

"It's ok" he said softy

I then looked up to him and then he leans closer to me and kissed me

"I'm sorry" he mumbled

I don't say anything I just cupped his face and kissed him back then pulled away before it got to serious

"Thanks Jack, really my life is just flipped upside down" I say wiping away my tears

"ell this is a story all about how my life got flipped right upside-down" he says then chuckles at his joke which made me laugh

"You don't have to tell me why your crying, I get it, it's personal. But if you do I'll listen" he says in a comforting voice

"It's my mum, I don't see her as much she claims it's work stuff" I sighed

Jack: honestly I think you should go on a mission and try to figure out if it is work or not" he said with a slight chuckle whm

Later that night I was walking home, I new and I think Jack knew that kiss didn't mean anything. But I appreciated his company

Friday|no school

I went to the Moy's house then knocked on the door and Mateo answers

"Guys my favourite person is at the door!" he say giving me a hug which made me smile

"Hey eli I would stay but I'm going on a date with Danielle" Oliver says then runs out the door

"Hey what's up come in" he says inviting me in

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now