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Schools finished me and my friends all graduated and so did olly.

It was a late afternoon and I was coming home,after hanging out with oliver.

I open the door to see my mum standing with a smile on her face.

Elissa: why you smiling.
I say closing the door happily

mum: I have good news.
She says excited

Elissa: what?
I say confused

Mum: we-
She says but i interrupt

Elissa: is Shane dawson here!
I say excited

She laughs

Mum: no just... Open this letter.
She says excited

She hads me a letter and I open it to read...

Dear Miss Elissa Anderson we are amazed by your work and have can to a dession

We (Student talent University) have accepted you and look forward to having you at our University.

Then I have happy tears coming down my face.

My mum gives me a hug

Mum: Why you crying.
She says happy

Elissa: because this university is So good and I didn't expect them to accept me.
I say happy

Mum: aww.
She says then pulls me in for a hug

I then run upstairs and facetime oliver. I told him I got accepted.

He was really happy.

Oliver: well I should go my mum's got dinner on and I need to pick up mateo from his friends.
He says happy

Elissa: ok bye, olly.
I say happy

Oliver: love you.
He says smiling

Elissa: love you too.
I say happy

After I talked to Oliver on the phone I decided to go on a walk with Indiana at 7:45pm.

Yes I know it was late but I like late walks for some odd reason.

Indiana: want to go get ice-cream.
She says happy

Indiana and me are going to the same university with chase and zoe.

Elissa: girl when do I ever say no to ice-cream.
I say laughing

Indiana: Good point.
She says laughing too.

We see Jesse in the ice cream shop and we say hi to him. I have forgived him but I'm not his friend.

Jesse: how long have you and Oliver been together for?
He asks

Elissa: em 3 months.
I Say happy


Jesse: oh that's for me.
He says grabbing his ice cream.

Jesse: bye eli by indi.
He says leaving

Skip to the next day.

Oliver and me realised we haven't told his fans and my fans about our relationship so he went live.

And the comments said

So cute

Aww I wish had a boyfriend

To cuties

To cute

Oliver is she your girlfriend

Wow just... So adorable

Oliver it's about time you got a girlfriend

Ok literally cutest couple ever.

And many more comments

Oliver: so guys if you want to see videos of us, what videos do you want?
He says to the his phone

Never have I ever

Girlfriend tag?

Boyfriend tag?

Chapstick Challange?

Yoga Challange?

Hey guys do you want to vote in the comments??

They were thousands of comments about different challenges.

After a while from going live me and Oliver watched a movie on his bed.

I lean my head on his shoulder and, he looks down at me and then slowly leans in for a kiss I kiss him back.

Then I get in top of him and he is at him top of his bed with his back on the wall.

We make out for a bit (usual couple stuff)

Elissa: hi.
I say with a little chuckle after I kiss him.

Oliver: hey.
He laughs

I get of him and we continue watching the movie

After we watch the movie I kiss Oliver goodnight and go home. When I got home I had a quick shower and let Teddy out in the back garden.

I then let Teddy sleep in my room because... Why not dogs are so cute.

I then watch some YouTube and then realise it's 2:00am wow time flew past (relatable I do this all the time)

I go to sleep and then wake up an later to get a glass of water and a mars bar.

Ok... OK... OK. Then after all of that drama I actually went to sleep.

Hey everyone sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the other ones.

But if you have any ideas please do Share. Thank for reading hope you enjoyed

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