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I run into the shop and looks for pregnancy tests and for some reason I couldn't find them.

Then a girl about my age walks up next to me probably lost as well.

"Fuck" I say under my breath.

"Are you okay?" the girl says sweetly.

"I-I don't know I'm just stressed" I say biting my nails.

"I thought that you were looking for these maybe" she says holding a pregnancy test.

"yeah I was actually" I say fidgeting with my hands.

"here take it... And don't be worried I'm sure that you will be a great mum. That's if you're pregnant" she says sweetly

"thanks, do you maybe have... Like advice?" I ask nervous.

"Well when I first had my first child I was 17 and your 18 Right?" I nod my head. "I was scared, just know that you and all women and do this, we just don't believe in ourselves. It can be scary but hey we can't live in fear" she says sweetly.

"you're right thanks" I say.

After talking to the girl, I go up to pay and the lady at the till says.

"good luck" she smiles. As I leave.

Good luck, good luck. What does that mean good luck you don't have a kid or good luck you do?

So I get Home and I opened my door to see Indiana and Jack on my couch talking.

"where have you been young lady?" Jack says acting like a mum.

"I'm so confused" I say shutting by door.

"Me and jack took Teddy on a walk" Indiana starts saying "then we-"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Jack screams

"Jack language!" Indiana says annoyed.

"wait a second?..." Jack says then runs up to my bag and pulls out the pregnancy test

"WOW!" he says shocked.

"INDI ARE YOU PREGNANT!" he says turning to Indiana

"What no, she is the one who has it" Indiana says confused.

Jack turns around to me with his eyes widened.

"Here I thought you were pure, that you wouldn't fu-" he starts saying acting like he is crying.

I cut him off.

"JACK!" I shout.

"so what are we waiting for... GO PEE ON THE STICK!" he says pushing me upstairs.

Indi follows up me up too

"Guys to how do I pee on it" I say talking It out the package.

"so basically... You-" Jack starts explaining. But Indi cuts him off.

"how would you know" Indi says raising her eyebrows.

"I- I don't know" Jack says

"Chase!" Indiana says.

"Indi I don't want a full household or people here for when I take the test.

"No but chase has always been good at comforting you" Indi smiles

"That's true, fine phone him and make sure he doesn't tell a soul!" I snap at the end.

We sit on the bathroom floor waiting for chase


"Chase get you ass up here now!" Indi shouts

"I'm here and I bought mcdonalds" he says holding up a bag.

"Thanks" I smile awkwardly.

"hey Jack" he waves to him.

"hey, chase" he says awkwardly

"okay so you pee on the stick" he says to me and then eats a chip. "then you sit it on the counter and wait, then it will tell us if you are preggo or not" he says smiling at the end.

"Okay, I will be two seconds" I say the close the door.

After I open the door and thy run up to the pregnancy test like its a worm at school on the floor and every own was some how fascinated by it.

"Guys you need to give it a minute" I tell them

"Okay well... I am going to get some orange juice" Indiana says.

"I will eat this mcdonalds" Jack says sitting back down.

"So why did you come here again?" I ask Jack

"Oh well" he says eating a chip. "I returned the tripod then I took your dog a walk.

"Thanks" smile.

"Guys I will be back in a second" chase says then run downstairs.


I was drinking the orange juice straight out the carton and then I hear chase coming downstairs.

"Hey do you want some there is a little bit left?" I say holding the carton in front of his face.

"No thanks, I'm going to get-" chase starts but gets cut off by Jack running downstairs out of breath

"Guys it's time, I know the answer come upstairs!" he says out of breath.

We run and stairs and...


"Starin at the blank page before you open the the dirty window let the sun illuminate the words that you can not find!" I sing

"reaching for something in the distance so close you can almost taste it" Jesse and Sebastian sing.

We are filming a carpool karaoke.
After that we made our way to Elissa's house and I unlock her door and walk in with Seb and Jesse.

I got in to see Jack, indi, Elissa and chase running downstairs. But they all looked suspicious

"eh what's going on?" I ask confused.

"Um" Elissa trails

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