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Indi and I watched the music video "told you so" by Hrvy because Indiana was in it. I am such a proud best friend. Then chase bursts through the door and ends up pouring his Starbucks all over Indianas white carpet.

He puts his hand over his mouth in shock of what he did. I tried not to laugh

"Chase what the hell did you do!" She laughs which made me laugh too

"So i was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me and a few people" He says awkward changing the subject

"Yes, but" I say raising my voice at the end

"What?" He asked

"You have to help me and indi pick out a dress" I smiled happily

"Sure girls let's go!" He says in a girl voice

I put my shoes on grab my car keys in run into my car, I was driving Indiana sat in the passagers seat next and Chase was is in the back.

"PLAY MUSIC!" Chase shouts

We play Goddess by Avril Lavigne

He treats me like a goddess, goddess
He thinks I'm sexy in my pajamas the more I am a hot mess the more he goes bananas he treats me like I am goddess.

We All sing

We arrive and walk into the shops we try on a few dresses and chase judged them, we finally chose our dresses and the total prise was...


Chase paid for it.

We got back home and put on our dresses and did our makeup with Mads.
Then we drove to the party, we got in and there was people drinking, making out etc...

"Andy!" I shouted feeling happiness as i saw him

He ran up to me and lifts me up and spins me around and i giggled

"Ah! Elissa how are you doing?" He asked smiling

"Doing good, what about you?" I asked

"Great" He replied

Then someone taps my back I turn around and it was Stephanie

"Hey!" I say shocked

"Hey" She chuckled

"How have you been?" I ask awkwardly

"Not too bad" she smiled

After my little talk with her i ended up bumping into someone and they turn around, it was Oliver

"Hey gorgeous" he said softly

I put my arms around the back of his neck and he puts his arms around my waist. We get closer and closer to each other and then...

"Elissa! Elissa!" Mads and Indi say running in"

Oliver sighs

"What guys?" I asked rolling my eyes

"Jaden is dangling Jesse of the balcony!" Mads said panicking

"What the fuck" Oliver says confused

We run to the balcony and push through all the people and here Jesse screaming.

"Jaden what the fuck are you doing!
I shouted at him

Me, Indiana, Mads and Oliver help him up.

"I don't think you should have anymore of this" she says then takes the beer from his hands

"Are you okay?" I ask jesse once he walked my way

"Eli I was just dangling from a balcony so what do you think!" He said coldly

"Oh yeah, I'm so stupid" i say awkwardly

"Eli there is something in your hair.
She says pointing to it so I pulled it out

"I's a piece of paper" I say and shrugged my shoulders not bothered

"Well open it" Chase said eagerly

I opened it:

(041) 385 365

Its says

"The fuck" I say

"What is it?" he asks curiously

"Just some random numbers" I say throwing the paper of the balcony

"Well I think we all have had a long night" she says letting out a yawn

"Yeah I am going to go home, want me to drive you home Oli?" I asked smiling

"That would great" he says giving me a side hug

"Aw" Indiana smiled

I drive Oli home and I walk to where his pool is.

"Why was Sebastian not at the party?" I ask confused

"Too tired" he says looking in the water

"You know-" I started to say but then I got pushed into the pool

"Ah!" I shouted as I went in

He laughs so I pulled him in

"Hey" he says with an amused smile

"Hey" i shivered

He pulls me close to him by the waist and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear he lifts my chin up and kisses me slowly, then I stop him.

"Aw" he pouted sadly

"Sorry but I need to go, see you tomorrow love" I smile and kiss his cheek

I get out of the pool and blow him a kiss he caught it. I get inside my house and my mum left a note

Hey sweetheart won't be back tonight or in the morning I have been caught up with work love you, kiss kiss kiss

I went in for a warm shower and jumped into bed I got Teddy into bed with me and I watched friends for a bit then fell asleep.

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now