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"You look great" Mads smiled looking at my whole outfit.

Then chase walks up and when he realises it's me with Indi his jaw dropped in shock

"Elissa you look um" he said shocked with smile on his face

"Too much" I say nervously

No, hot. But I'm saying that as a friend" He says with a smile

"Who you trying to impress?" Mads asked me with a chuckle

"No one" I say confused. I walk to my locker and someone slams it shut making me jump slightly

"Hey cutie wanna hang out" He says trying to flirt with me

"No thank you" I say awkwardly

"but wa-" I just pushed him over. I couldn't be bothered with him

I then looked over to see Sebastian talking to Oliver and when he saw me he froze

I then looked over to see Sebastian talking to Oliver and when he saw me he froze_________________________________________

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👥Madslewis                            884,767 ❤
Ello 💛


Jadenhossler my bby is perfect ❤
Madlewis ily 🥺❤

Indianamassara damn 😳
↪Madlewis love you 💕

Elianderson the prettiest!
↪Madslewis you're the best 💛

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Im in a pretty high maths class and im glad I am. I don't know how but I'm not that bad at maths

"Alright class we have a new very smart boy who will be joining our class" our teacher said with a smile. I wasn't surprised usually people get moved up or down a class all the time

"Come in" he says

I looked over to the door and would you believe it, it was Oliver Moy

"Can you take the seat next to Elissa please" he says pointing over to me

"Sure" he says with a small smile

"Aright I want to to pair up with the person next to you" he tells us. Why the person next us

"Um so we em have to find out th-" I say awkwardly but Oliver cut me off

"Elissa I'm so sorry for what happened i just want you to know it wasn't me" he whispered to me so no one could hear

"Really Oliver" I rolled my eyes "You always have an excuse" I say getting annoyed

"No it's Stephanie, she doesn't like you and she saw me and you, heard our whole conversation then took photos and told the told everyone" he said in more of a serious voice

I don't say anything, I just go back to doing my work

At Lunch Oliver came over to me

"I don't do this much but don't tell anyone. So I was wondering if you wanted to collab with me after school.
He asked me looking like he wanted me to say yes

"You know,why not" I say playfully hitting his arm with a smile

"I hate this" I say under my breath with a sigh

"I can leave" he says sounding slightly annoyed

"No its just that I don't feel extremely comfortable with what I'm wearing" I say and bit my lip nervously


I thought she looked stunning. I felt bad for her cause she didn't feel comfortable

"Wait here" I say smiled then left. I came back and did a drum roll on the table which made her laugh

Her laugh is so adorable

"A plain black hoddie" is say acting shocked

"Thanks I give it to you at the end of the day" She smiled with a slight chuckle

"No you can keep it, Please" I say softly with a smike

"Fine" she smiles

"Wait why did you wear those clothes then If that's not your style?" I ask her confused

"This is gonna sound stupid. But I thought I would be more confident"
She says and awkwardly shrugs her shoulders

I was going to say something but i didn't get the chance because Indi bursts through the doors. She was panicking

I knew I couldn't mess with her so I pulled her down to sit with us

"it's" she says trying to catch her breath

"What is it?" She asked as Indi balled her eyes onto Elissa's shoulder

"It's my gran she passed away" she says struggling to speak through her tears


Indiana was so upset. I have never seen her this upset. Indiana and I would always go to visit her gran every month even know it was a 1hour drive it was always worth it

"Indi" he said in a comforting voice

"Do you want a hug?" He asks opening his arms wide

Indiana doesn't say anything I thought she would slap him or something, but she dives in for a hug. Her head was buried in his shirt

I mouth "thank you" as he looked up to me for a few seconds then smiled

Then one of Oliver's friends made his way up to us

"Come on Mark is here waiting for you" he said sounding annoyed and crossed his arms

I was expecting him to push Undi away and go with his friends. But no he stayed

"Sorry, I need to be here for her right now" he says then looks down at Indi to see if she is okay

"Fine hang out with these loser" he said and rolled his eyes before storming off back to his friends

"Oliver, thank you" she says sitting up wiping her tears

👥Indianamassara              2,752,879 ❤give people a chance even if it's someone you don't really like

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👥Indianamassara              2,752,879 ❤
give people a chance even if it's someone you don't really like

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