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It's Monday and I still want to be friends with oliver. Even after everthing that has happened he is still part of my life

I walk into school and see Oliver with his friends. I slowly approach him.

He turns around to face me

Oliver: hey
He says quiet

Mark: why you talking to her?
He says annoyed

Elissa: sorry, I'll leave.
I say awkwardly

Oliver: listen, she can stay.
He says annoyed

Then Stephanie shows up out of nowhere. Oh I meant the devil my bad

Stephanie: sorry oliver I have to agree With Mark.
She says in a rude tone. Can she just disappear?

He looks at her shocked

Stephanie: I mean it was pretty obvious that yous weren't going to last together.
She says giving me a rude smirk

I couldn't take it so I ran away, and of course Oliver has to follow me.

I turn around

Oliver: you ok.
He says out of breath

Elissa: listen if your friends don't want me near you then, I don't know what to do.
I say with a sigh

Oliver: since when did you care what people think.
He says confused

Elissa: since I have lost...
I say awkwardly but I stopped myself because I was going to say I lost Oliver.

Oliver: lost what?
He asks

Elissa: forget it I have to get to class.
I say annoyed

Oliver: the bell hasn't even rang yet.
He says confused

Elissa: bye.
I say then run away

I know I can't avoid him forever but it's just so weird to be around him and not look into his beautiful eyes and blush.

Then just as I am about to go into my class, Jesse shows up he has a big grin on his face.

Jesse: hey babe, you want to sit next to me.
He says smirking

Elissa: in your dreams.
I say annoyed with a sigh

Jesse: now Oliver is out the picture we can be-
He says smirking

Elissa: no!
I intrupt him annoyed

Jesse: look what he did to you was wrong.
He says getting closer

Elissa: we where both wrong
I say snapping at him

I walk into class and take a seat and remember that Oliver is in my class, how the hell did I forgt he had maths with me

Mr Robinson: alright, I'm handing out test results.
He says going to the students tables

Then he walks towards me

Mr Robinson: Elissa, I don't know what happened you last time had a 98% and now you have a 68%.
He says upset

Elissa: what... No no I studied so hard.
I say annoyed

Mr Robinson: maybe you need a tutor.
He whispers

Elissa: fine, who.
I say fake smiling

Mr Robinson: Oliver.
He says smiling

Elissa: how?
I say with a sigh

Mr Robinson: excuse me Elissa but I don't know where this attitude is coming from.
He says getting annoyed

Elissa: sorry.
I whisper

Mr Robinson: look, Oliver is quite good at maths and I don't want you to fall behind.
He says annoyed

Elissa: okay
I say with no expression

Of course I am not going to ask Oliver, no way it will get to awkward.

I turn around to see zack sat beside me

This day couldn't get better

Zack: look, I don't know what your deal is, I was different I Europe.
He says mad whispering

Elissa: Get the heck out of my life.
I flip him off


I need to get revenge on Elissa, she can't treat me this way. I have some drugs in my pocket and I will put it in her drink and food at lunch.


I see her sitting by herself, Indiana is sick and zoe went home for lunch.


I walk up to one of my friends and ask them to distract Elissa and Oliver.

Then my friend Adam walks up to Oliver and says

Adam: hey mate can you come here.
He says serious

Oliver walks towards him and then Adam shouts on Elissa

Elissa and Oliver are standing in the middle of the lunch hall

Elissa: what do you want I was enjoying my chocalate mik.
She says annoyed

Adam: em well... Golly gee life is crazy right.
He says nervous

Oh god why are my friends so stupid

I finish putting the drugs in and Elissa sits back down.

The drugs should react quick and she should feel weird


I have no idea why that random dude told me to come into the middle of the lucnh Hall.

Anyway I want my lunch

I sit down and eat my lunch after I finished eating my lunch I feel like my eyes can't say open.

I stand up and fall to the ground then I think I heard zoe run up to me

I hear someone crying... A girl

I hear someone

Ah my head hurts I can't move what's happening

Is she going to be ok

That's my best friend don't lose her

Please be OK.

I wake up in shock breathing heavily and I realise

Ah. I'm back in the hospital.

Elissa: what happened?
I say crying

Oliver: Zack put drugs in your food.
He blurts out.

Elissa: why could you not have stopped him, I feel horrible.
I start balling my eyes out

Oliver: Adam was talking to us and I wasn't sure what Zack was even doing at the time.
He says sad

Indiana: oh I'm so so sorry.
She gives me a hug

I was still crying uncontrollably

Nurse: hey wooh easy.
She runs in

Chase: Elissa, breathe breathe.
He says slowly

I start breathing slower and I feel better.

Elissa: thanks Chase

Nurse: the drugs have been drained out but you need to say in till tomorrow.
She says sad

Elissa: okay
I say sad

Thanks for reading what do you think will happen next??

Teaser: Oliver does something stupid, yup 😂

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now