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I wake up bright and early for school

Ha you thought!

I actually woke up with my phone next to me and hair all in face.

Ew, I say tired

I get up and go into the shower and use the last of the shampoo and start singing to demi lovato (don't Judge me)

I put on a cute outfit

Curled my hair and out mascara on, I ate my breakfast and brushed my teeth got in my car and drove of

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Curled my hair and out mascara on, I ate my breakfast and brushed my teeth got in my car and drove of.

When I get into school I couldn't see Oliver so I went to my locker and tried to find my notebook I got it out and read my timetable for today.

Hey someone says from behind me I turn around and see chase, Sebastian Cody and Oliver

Cody: hi
He says happy

Before I have anything to say a teacher comes up

Miss sanders: cody Orlove my office you need to collect a few things.

Then Cody leaves.

Chase: so we where thinking
He says excited

Sebastian: that you could play football with us again.
He says happy

Elissa: guys listen, I don't really want to.
I says akwardly

Chase: we will give you 5 dollars

Elissa: hmm?

Sebastian: 10

Elissa: deal.
I say smiling

Chase and Sebastian walk way and it was just me and olly

Oliver: so em... I was thinking after the football game, we could go on a eh
... Date
He says nervous

Elissa: um... Sure
I say smiling


Then I walk to class, In was in science and science is my favourite because Chase I my partner for it.

Chase: sorry what are we supposed to do, I didn't listen to anything the teacher said.
He says confused.

I laugh

Elissa: pour the baking soda into the vinegar when it starts boiling.
I say happy

Chase: so are you and Oliver?
He says confused

Elissa: I don't know, I mean we are going on at date.
I say confused

Chase: me and Indiana are hanging out after.
He say happy

Chase: everyone thinks I have a crush on her she is beautiful like don't get me wrong, but I see her a my friend.
He says smiling

Elissa: I get.
I say agreeing with him.

Mr Jaz: everyone take your seats and I will hand out your test answers.

By the time he is at me he says

Mr Jaz: Elissa, I'm very... Proud.
He says happy

Chase: I got 67%

Random person: 65%

Random person 2: 70%

Em I got, 100%, I say

Chase: Well done.
He says giving me a hug

Elissa: thanks.
I say happy

Later that day I told the boys I would arrive a bit late so I could do my hair.

I went to my locker and the end of the day expecting no one to be there. I was taking out 2 hair ties and a hair clip I turn around and see.

Jesse Underhill

He shuts my locker as I'm leaned against it. I can't move because he ahs both of his arms at each side of me.

Jesse: where you going babe?
He says biting his lip.

Elissa: that's none of your business.
I say annoyed

He leans up trying to kiss me.

But I manage to push him away. I run out to the boys and Oliver said

Oliver: Eli are you OK?
He says confused

Elissa: em uh-
I say out of breath

Chase: right let's start!
He shouts

After football I got into Olivers car and we drove off

Elissa: where are we going?

Oliver: well I know you hate mcdonalds-
He says laughing

Elissa: what who told you that.
I say confused

Oliver: I mean we don't have to go.
He says laughing

When we get there we order food and start eating.

Oliver: I have a question?
Hey says eating a French fry

Elissa: oh no.
I say laughing

Oliver: who was your first... Kiss.
He asks me

Elissa: well it was this boy who kissed me at camp.
I say giving him a wink.

Oliver: I was your first kiss?
He says shocked

I nod my head

Oliver: wow you know how to make out well for you first kiss.
He says happy

Elissa: why thank you.
I say flipping my hair sarcastically

A couple moments later Oliver notices I'm getting a bit nervous

Oliver: you OK, because if you're not then I figure out what it is-
He says serious

Elissa: Jesse tried to kiss me!
I blurt out

Olivers face just goes blank

Elissa: sorry.
I say sad

Oliver: it's not your fault I will kick his a-
He says mad

Elissa: Oliver it's fine don't bother.
I say smiling

After we take a walk down the street we see Jesse. This is what happened.

First of all Jesse approached us stubbing.

So he was probably drunk.

Jesse: hey Oliver, Eli... She a great kisser.
He says smirking.

Oliver walks up to him

Oliver: I gave you a second chance after what you did with Danielle.
He says mad

Jesse: hey its not my fault Eli is a-
He says shouting

Oliver: don't you dare think about finishing that sentence.
He says mad

Jesse: Make me Jerk.

Then Oliver punches him

Elissa: Oliver!
I shout

Then Jesse and Oliver full on fight.

Elissa: right both of you cut it out.
I say pulling them a part

I grab Olivers had and I lead him into my house

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now