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👥Elianderson                         467,087 ❤going back to school it's been a while 😖

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👥Elianderson 467,087
going back to school it's been a while 😖


Indiana You'll do great bby ily 😌💕
Elianderson ily too 💕

Madslewis Eli you look gorgeous! 💓
Elianderson thanks beaut! 💕

Chasekeith Can't wait to see my bestie again in science class i stg is horrible without you
Elianderson omg I'm missed 😌💕

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At school


I turn around and see Chase and Jaden so i ran up to them and give them a hug. We started chatting in the middle of the hall

"So do yous know where indiana is?"
I ask curiously and look around for her

"Aw do you not want to hang out with us?" Jaden said Pouting sarcastically

"No I just need her so I know what class im going to" I say with an awkward smile

"I think she's upstairs" Jaden told me. So I ran as fast as I could but then I tripped and fell into someone's arms

I look up to see Oliver so jumped back as fast as could

"Wow you lucky I caught you" he smirked staring at me

"I would have rather fell to the floor" I say in a annoyed tone

"Elissa there you are I was looking for you everywhere. Indiana says running up to me at my locker out of breath

"Sorry I bumped into Oli" I say struggling to get into my locker feeling some frustration from the situation that happened with Oliver

"Do you need help?"She asked grabbing the keys and i grab them back

"It's okay don't worry about it I say smiling at her

I finally open up my locker and custard probably falls out of my locker and a bit on to my t-shirt. It smelt like it was out of date

"Oh my God!" I shouted panicking as everyone laughs at me. This is embarrassing

"Come here I help you" She says grabbing my hand and running to the bathroom with me


I get in to the school and I saw people laughing and gossiping and I immediately knew Oliver did something cause I saw Eli's locker open with custard I'm guessing pouring out of it

"Everyone stop laughing or I will cut your tongues off!" I say feeling pissed off

I not usually the one to be screaming at people but I don't like when my friends get messages with. Then I walked up to Jesse Underhill

"So was Yours and Olivers idea?" I ask glaring at him

"Yeah it was hilarious" He said and turned around to laugh with his friends

I just walk away and go into my locker and get a moy army hoodie from my locker because it was the only one I had and it was for emergencies and this was one. I take it out and run to the girls bathroom.


I was helping Elissa clean of the custard but it stained really bad. I felt so bad for her

"look Elissa I'm so sor-" I say feeling bad for her but then Mads ran in and threw a hoodie at Elissa

"Put it on" she smiled. So she put it over her shirt

"Thank you Mads you are a life saver"
She says releaved

"Oh and Indi thanks for helping me get the worst of it off" She says thanking me with a smile


I made my way to class because I didn't want to be late. Just as I got to the door I felt Oliver sneak up behind me. He walked in front of me to block my way

"Nice hoodie" he smirked seeming amused from what I was wearing

"move" I said harshly with a glare. But he didn't so I pushed him furiously into a wall

"Miss Anderson why are you late?" My teacher Mrs Reed asked me crossing her arms

"She had to go to the office for something" Seb speaks up telling the teacher his lie

"Thank you" I mouthed to him with a smile

"Oh so sorry Elissa, take your seat" she said softly so I went to take my seat

I felt Sebastian tap my shoulder so turn around to him

"Sorry about Oliver I heard what happened" He says quietly with a worried look on his face

"Well the whole school heard about it'
I say feeling extremely embarrassed

"I will talk to him, I will kill him" He says with an annoyed sigh

" Sebastian Moy do you have anything to would like you share with class?" She asks rasing her voice

"No miss" He says trying not to laugh

I will talk to you lat-" He whispers turning back to me

"Sebastian Moy Detention after school!'
She says shouted making him turn around

"bu-" he sighed but she cut him off
He says sad

"No buts" she said

At lunch I walk around trying to find Indiana and Mads. But I couldn't find them. Or Chase, Jaden and Sebastian

So I sat down by myself at a empty table and opened the group chat with Mads and indi


Elissa: Hey where are yous

Indiana: sorry I forgot my textbooks see you soon

Elissa: OK

Mads: I went home for lunch soz

Elissa: it's okay

Then I see Oliver and the football team come through sweating and girls practically drouling over them. But I wasn't, I felt like gagging. He then did something I hated, he sat next to me

"Hey Eliss you smell like..... Custard is that the new trend girls like to smell like" He says laughing as all his friends join with him

"Oh thanks I didn't know your new fragrance was sweaty jerk" I said annoyed then rolled my eyes


I walk into the lunch hall to see Oli Pissing off Eli. So I run up to them

"Hey olly, go away she doesn't want to be near someone who has the IQ of a brick" I say annoyed

Oliver: Well well Indiana massara, I didn't realise that Elissa Has stupid friends" He says looking up at me trying to piss me off and it worked

Leave now or I swear Oliver I will slap you" I say holding up my hand feeling the anger through me

"Okay then keep your anger issues to yourself" He says smirking proudly then stood up and walked our of the lunch hall

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now