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Later that day Indi texts me

Indiana: wanna walk at the park (bring Teddy please)

Elissa: sure

When I see her we just start walking around the park with Teddy with dog.

"Schools tomorrow" she sighed
She says annoyed

"I know right it sucks" I say agreeing with her.

Then I heard a buzz

"Is that your phone?" She asks

"I think" I say confused and take it out
to see who's calling and it's my Mum

So I answer

"Hello, mum" then the call ends

"What the heck was that?" She says freaked out

"Maybe she accidentally called" I say feeling stressed

After my walk I go home and someone rings my doorbell I open the door and see Oliver.

"Eh...em hi come in" I say nervously

"You ok eli?" He asked confused

Elissa: me.... Oh...im gr- great.
I say panicking

Elissa: do you want so water.

Oliver: eli?
He says worried

I go to grab a glass out of the cupboard and he grabs my wrist and turns my around.

"Elissa you're not okay, you're freaking out" he says concerned ands let's go of my wrist

"Well there is two things" I started saying.I told him about Danielle chatting with me

"Wow" he says shocked

"Here's a um funny thing my mum yeah she hasn't got back in town for three months" I laughed nervously

"What wait" he says looking shocked

"The first to know she said that she will be at work alot and can't tell me why" i say as a tear drips down my face

Well haven't you gone and visited her?" He asked

"She said not to" I said letting more tears out so Oliver pulls me in for a hug

"Wait are you wearing makeup?" He asked me softly

"No I didn't put any one today" I said through my tears

"You look look very pretty" he smiled

I blushed a bit, but why did I blush?

Let's go to see your mum" he said and I nodded my head then we drove to go see my mum. We arrive and go up to the office desk

"How can I help you?" The lady asked

"I'm looking for my mum Miss Anderson?" I say out of breath

"I'm sorry but she is in the hospital down the street" she said seeming sad

"Oh my god, Why?" I say panicking

"She has cancer, I'm sorry sweetie" she says softly

I ran outside crying and Oliver stops me and pulls me on for a hug, this one was different it was more tight and sweet. He lays a soft kiss on my head.

"Listen I know this hurts alot, but I can take you up to visit her" he says softly

We end up driving to the hospital and going to my mums ward. When I get to her ward I finally she her, most of her hair is gone and she has got a smile on her face.

"Mum" i say crying

"Oh my I'm so sorry baby your weren't suppose to find out like this" she says pulling me in for a hug.

"Was I ever suppose to find out?"

"Listen I will try my best to fight this but promise my you will stay as my brave girl" She says smiling.

"I-I will try" i say then I just walk out of the hospital with Oliver

I then spend my night with Oliver and Sebastian watching movies.

Next day school

I wake up and do my usual routine before school.

I drive to school and walk in

Then chase comes up to me

"Hey Elissa" he smiled

"Hey" I say giving him a hug

"So I was wondering if you wanted to come to the movies with me Oliver, Sebastian and Indiana" he smiled

"I would but I have to study" I say using that as my excuse

"Okay got to go" Chase said then walked away

I lied because I was scared to be around oliver. Then Stephanie walked up to me

"Hey idiot, I heard dani talked to you" she smiled proudly

"Yeah, bye" I sigh not caring


At lunch I saw Elissa writing a lot, I know she has to study for geography.

"Hey" i say softly

"Oh! Eh hi" she says

Then her pencil breaks

Elissa: oh my go-" she says seeming stressed but I cut her off

I sit down

"Listen your obviously struggling, so do you, um maybe want we to help you after school?" I ask her nervously

"But aren't you going to the movies, I don't want to ruin your plans" she says awkwardly

"No its fine come over at 4:00pm" I smiled

"Sure" she smiles

Then someonw kicks open the lunch hall doors it was a tall-ish 17yr old with black hair.

He walked up to Elissa

"Hey Elissa remember me" he chuckles

She looked uncomfortable

"Do you know him eli?" I ask concerned

"Um well i-" She says nervous

'My name is Zack Lenz Elissa and I, well lets just say we where great friends in Europe" he winks at her

"That true?" I ask her

"Um... I need some air" She says then ran out the lunch hall

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now