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After The meet and greet we all went to go to have a nice dinner which I was looking foward to

"So, are you coming out with any songs Eli?"He chuckled

'Well, if you haven't got any songs coming out yet maybe we could make one together" He raising an eyebrow at me as we walked into the restaurant

"Not a bad idea harv" I say to him softly

"I'm staying here for 2 weeks so on Thursday next week we can Get to work" he smiled

"Okay" I said

Next day

Got up and ready for school and realised I haven't talked to Sebastian and Oliver for a couple of days. I have just been busy.

I get into school and see Indi so I give her a hug

"Boo!" Chase and Jaden said making us turn around

"Ah, guys why?" I say acting like I got a flight

'We thought I would be funny" Chase says laughing

"You guys are just great friends, but oh you can be annoying" She chuckled

"Aw thanks" Jaden

Period 1

Indianamassara                     780,890 ❤ sup hommies 🥞

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Indianamassara 780,890 ❤
sup hommies 🥞


Madslewis I think yellow is your colour omg
Indianamassara really? 🥺

Chasekeith pretty girl 🖤
↪Indianamassara lyyy 🖤

Elianderson can we get married? 💍
Indianamassara I thought you'd never ask ;)

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English was my first class it was Rubbish. At the end of English Seb tabs me on my shoulder

"Hey, after school do you wanna come over?" He asked with a smile

"Sure" I smiled


I am sitting and I see oliver waking in, I am wondering if I hurt his feelings because when I kissed him I wasn't actually thinking if I liked him or not. But I still want to be friends or whatever with him.

"Hey Oliver, come sit" I say awkwardly patting the seat next to me.

"Hi" he said seeming happy

"Hi so em what's the tea, anything exciting happening" I say trying to be funny but I just embarrassed myself

He chuckles

"Uh well Danielle and i where chatting and I think I like her, not just to make out with but to be with as a couple" he smiled

Danielle also known as dani, she is Stephanie's best friend Danielle is pretty but she is not so nice at all

"So you going to ask her out?" I ask bitting into my apple

"Yeah probably after school" he told me

"Anyone your interested in?" He asks me curiously

"No" I said bluntly

"okay" he said then Hesse barges in

"Hey!" He shouted

"Listen Jesse I will talk to you later" Oliver said looking up to him

"Actually I came to talk to the girl" he says looking at me

"Jesse I not going to go out with you" I said and rolled my eyes. He grabs my milk and starts drinking it.

"Hey!" I shouted

"Oh your friend Mads she is crying in the girls locker room" he said looking around the hall

I stood up and grabbed the front of his t-shirt

"Did you hurt her?" I asked with a glare

"N-no" He said confused.

I run out of the lunch hall furious
Leaving my bag and lunch with Oliver but he came after me and got up to me before I left to stop me

"Oliver you need to let me go" I sighed feeling annoyed

"But don't you need your bag?" He asked me confused

"That's not important" I told him feeling frustrated then I ran away

I then run into the locker room and see Mads crying and Indi wrapping her hand in a wet clough

"So sorry I'm late guys what happened"
I say panicking

"Danielle and Stephanie stood on her hands with their heels" she's seeming pissed

Elissa: Mads do you want me to get Jaden?" I say her softly and she nodded her head

I run out of the girls locker room knowing that Jaden is not suppose to be in the locker room but I didn't care. I found him talking to Sebastian, I grabbed his hand and ran

"Hey what's going on?" He asked confused and pulled back

"Mads is hurt" I said and he immediately ran with me

By the time we get there Mads had calmed down alot and Jaden gives her a hug.

"You guys why are the teachers not doing anything about this, when this happened to me they didn't believe me"
I said annoyed

"Because school is shi-" she said and scrunched her eyes shut from the pain

"Okay that's enough" Indi said and stormed off

We all run after her, until we realise she is going up to Danielle and Stephanie.

"Hey Danielle!" She shouted then danielle turns around and Indiana slapped her

"Don't ever hurt my friends or next time it's a brick to the head!" She shouted with alot of anger then we all walked out of the lunch hall again as everyone watches what happened

I then got stopped by a teacher

"Miss Anderson your bag has be dropped of at the office by Oliver Moy" Mr Burn told me

"Okay, thank you" i say then start walking to the office

I get my bag and find a note attached to it.

Hey baby we can hang out another time right
-Jesse underhill

Wait there is a second note

Hey bitch stay away from me and Oliver we are dating now and I hope you end up in a ditch.
- Danielle

The notes didn't offend me though. But why would Oliver like danielle? She is so mean...

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now