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I wake up get changed brush my teeth and do my hair in french braids.
I go downstairs and I almost slip.

I look down and see oil on the floor. Oliver did this, but I wasn't really mad

Luckily I have good reflexes

Then I get a text from Oli

Oli: Hey

Elissa: what's up

Oli: the sky

Elissa: okay funny one

Oli: do you wanna hang out?

Elissa: sure when, where and what time?

Oli: the theme park

Elissa: how did you know I love theme parks.

Oli: I'm A mind reader

Elissa: lol

Oli: 6:30pm today

Elissa: okay see you then

I went to mcdonalds for lunch and then I saw Danielle walking towards me. She looked different more sad

"Um Look Elissa you don't have to forgive me, but I'm sorry for all these years where I have bullied you" she said sounding sad

"You know you're right I won't forgive you and why now apologise" I sighed

"Well Stephanie isn't friends with me anymore she said I stole Oliver from her and I made out with Jesse because I didn't like Oliver I just couldn't reject him when he asked me out so I tried to get him to break up with me and I flirted with him to annoy you" she said awkwardly

"Wow, Danielle you are messed up" I say annoyed then get up to leave

I am usually the person who can forgive someone but she could be acting the apology, she has put me through hell, she is a horrible person


Oliver picked me up and he started driving

"Do you mind if I put on some music?" He asked

"Is that a question duh put it on" I smiled

Then after a while of us singing stupidly. Billie Eilish When the party's over comes on and I don't ever realise that I was singing in front of Oli so I stopped

"Why did you stop?" He asks confused

"Got embarrassed" I say looking away from him laughing.

"Honestly your voice is great" he smiled


When we get there Oliver straight away bought me cotton candy.

"Oh my god how did you know I Loved cotton candy?" I say shocked "wait don't answer that you're a mind reader" I chuckled

"Do you want do go on the ferris wheel?" He asked with a smile


"But first I'm getting a slush puppy" I say excited

So we walk up to the guy who was selling them

"Hi can I get a blueberry slush puppy" I ask softly

"Oh and a cupcake!" Oliver said butting in

"Here you go young lady and sir, you and your girlfriend are such a cute couple" he smiled

"We are not a couple" we both said

"Oh shame" he said

We then get on the ride and we are half way up

"Wasn't it weird what that guy said" he says laughing

Aww he so cute!!!

Hold up am I getting feelings for Oliver. No I'm probably imagining things.


Ah, I just don't know what to do if I ask her out she will say no like last time.

We end up going to my house to watch a movie. Then I feel something fall on my shoulder and It was elissa, she was sound asleep,so beautiful.

So I carefully lay her down on the couch and put a blanket around her and I went upstairs to bed.

Next day


I woke up realising I was in Olivers house still and was Trying to find him I went up stairs to see him live on tiktok.

"hi, eli" he smiled

I walked over and saw the comments on his live.

She is so damn pretty
Is she your girlfriend
Oliver she is fine
What's her name?

"Bye Oliver I'm going to go home" I say waving bye from the door

I walked next door and went upstairs to shower and put on new clothes I through up a messy bun.

I then look at my phone and see a new message:

Mum: sorry I have been away for nearly 3 months.


Is she really sorry I haven't seen her in ages???

But to take my mind of it I go insatgram live

The chat said:

You haven't went live in a while
Any songs yet
And many more nice comments.

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now