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I bring him to to my house and get a ice pack from the fridge.

Elissa: sit down.
I say with no expression.

He sits down at the kitchen table and I sit next to him.

I put the ice pack on his hand.

Oliver: I'm sorry.
He says ashamed

Elissa: it's, it's fine don't worry about.
I say stumbling on my words

After I help him with his hand. I wrap it in a bandge.

Elissa: Good as new.
I say smiling

Oliver: Eli.
He says looking up at me

Elissa: yes.

Oliver: I had a good time with you.
He says smiling

Elissa: me too.
I say smiling back

There was a silence between us until he leaned closer to me and softly kissed me and I then kissed him back.

Oliver: em Elissa.
He says nervous

Elissa: yes.
I say confused

Oliver: em... It doesn't matter.
He says stumbling his words

Next day I had no clue where oli was. He was nowhere to been seen. I looked around and then I saw a poster

Prom this Friday! (tomorrow)

I wonder if olly will ask me or not

I open my locker and see a donut box so I open it and wow it brought a smile to my face.

I open my locker and see a donut box so I open it and wow it brought a smile to my face

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Oliver: so...?
He says sneaking up behind me

Elissa: eh duh I will go to prom with you.
I say happy

Oliver: great.
He says smiling

Then the devil herself comes up Stephenie followed by Danielle

Stephanie: aw aren't yous cute.
She says sarcastic

Oliver: what I thought you and Danielle aren't friends anymore.
He says confused

Elissa: it's because danielle is her only friend.
I say annoyed

Then I see Oliver trying not to laugh

Danielle: yous are the idiots.
She says rude

Elissa: Well if I'm a idiot what are you... A skunk.
I say annoyed

Stephanie: uh bye.
She says walking of

Danielle: sorry eli I didn't mean yo affend you it's just-
She says when Stephanie has walked away

Elissa: oh it's just you can be bitchy to me when Stephanie is around but when she is not you're an angel.
I say fed up

Oliver: thats the first time i have heard you swear.
He says laughing

Elissa: oh I swear, very rarely.
I say mad

Danielle: also Oliver I'm sor-
She says sad

Oliver: save it! Leave.
He says annoyed


I knew I had to get those two apart, I don't think Oliver has made it official with her, so if he is going to ask her out I will sabotage it.

My next class was with Indiana and Elissa, I hate elissa way more than I hate Indiana.

I walk up to Sebastian after P. E

He looked discusted to see me

Stephanie: hey! Sebastian.
I say shouting at him

Sebastian: what?
He says annoyed

Stephanie: can we be friends.
I say fake smiling

Sebastian: ha! As if.
Then he walks away



At lunch I was with Oliver because Indiana went home sick.

Oliver: so.. Em.
He says getting nervous again

Elissa: hm?
I say smiling

Oliver: nevermind.
He says again

Elissa: okay
I say confused

Elissa: I will need to buy an outfit for prom!
I remind my self

Oliver: after school I could come help.
He says offering

Elissa: nope it's fine.
I say smiling

Oliver: so will you be having alcohol there.
He asks me curious

Elissa: but there not allowed alcohol in the school.
I say scared

Oliver: oh no people bring alcohol from home.
He says correcting me

Elissa: if I do have alcohol....it reminds me of Europe.
I say whispering

Oliver: oh, I'm so sorry I forgot.
He says apologising

Elissa: it's okay.
I say smiling

Later that day i went shopping for my prom dress with Indiana and zoe we tried on lots of dresses and I took forever to find the perfect one.

Because Indiana had no one to go with I told her that me and Oliver will not be together all night so I will hang out with her to.

After we paid for our stuff I went back home to finish my homework.

I took Teddy out for a walk and came back home to cook Mac and cheese. I put on a movie from Netflix sat on my couch got popcorn and had teddy sitting on my lap.

I am so exicted for tomorrow, I hope it will be great. After I finish my movie I take my hair out of my hair tye and change into my pj's.

I brushed my teeth and lay in my bed. I saw Olivers picture her posted saying.

Going to prom with a Kween

I liked the picture pulled my cover over my and turned my light of and ran to my bed. Don't lie we always do that. I then went to sleep with a smile on my face.


I'm excited for prom tomorrow cause I'll be going with my friends. I sit down on my couch and look on my phone

51 missed calls from Harvey

And a message that freaked me out. Oh. My. God.

I hate Oliver Moy | Next Door NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now