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One week later__

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One week later

"Do you still love him?" Bernice asked Golden as they sat in her back yard near the pool as the sun blazed down on them.

"Hell no." Golden answered without hesitation.

Bernice raised her eyebrows and took a sip from her strawberry pineapple drink before asking yet another question. "Why not?"

Golden looked over at Bernice with squinted eyes, not believing she just asked her that dumb ass question.

"First off, he kìlled my fucking father." Golden said with gritted teeth.

She couldn't believe the man she loved so dearly, would do that to her. I mean, what did she expect? He kidnapped her, for fuck sakes.

"And then he kìlled my brother." Golden said as her left hand shook with so much anger, "Leaving me with no one." She finished as a tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away hoping Bernice didn't see it.

"You have me." Bernice said in hopes of cheering her up.

Golden stared at her before flashing her a fake smile. If only she knew.

The sound of the back door opening caught both of their attention as Prada and Brandy both walked in with a folded letter.

"This is for you." Prada handed Golden the letter with a smile.

"It's from NBA Gang." Brandy mumbled as she watched Golden slowly open the letter.

Golden quickly read through the letter before balling it up, tossing it in the pool.

"What did it say?" Bernice asked as she watched the balled up paper sink to the bottom of her pool.

"They wanted to meet up with me." Golden scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I guess it's because my gang is catching up with theirs."

"So are you going to meet up with them?" Prada asked the question everyone wanted the answer to.

"Hell to the no." Golden shook her head, "I'll probably kill them all if I ever see them again. It's just- now isn't the time."


"Who is this 'Killa' nigga?" Kentrell asked as he sat behind his desk, puffing on a cigarette

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"Who is this 'Killa' nigga?" Kentrell asked as he sat behind his desk, puffing on a cigarette.

Three typed away on his computer as everyone watched him, waiting on him to give an answer.

"'Killa' is an unknown person that is the leader of the new found gang called the 'Killas'. And right about now, their so close from taking your thrown." Three said calmly before looking away from his computer screen.

"Wait-" Kentrell sat up, realising the words that just came out of Three's mouth, "So you're tellin' me there's another gang, that's finally up on my level?"

"Yup." Three nodded his head trying to hide his inner emotions which was mostly fear. They all could loose everything they worked hard for if they let another gang take their spot.

"The day has finally come." Ben mumbled as he snatched the blunt out of Baby Joe's hand. Joe shrugged his shoulders not bothering to grab it back.

"We have to set up a meeting wit' him." Kentrell demanded before taking one last puff from his cigarette then putting it out in the ash tray.

"How do we know if the gang leader is actually a he?" KD finally spoke up, looking away from his phone, "The leader could be a female, fa' all we know."

Kentrell scoffed at his words, not even taking them in for consideration. "There haven't been a female drug dealer/ gang leader since Bernice and she's in ha' late thirties." Kentrell rolled his eyes.

To him, females were too scary to be in the game. He believes that only males should be in the drug game. The only reason Bernice is still in the drug game is because she isn't a threat and her drugs obviously doesn't bring in enough customers.

"Now like tha' fuck I said, I want to have a meeting with tha' leader of tha' 'Killas." Kentrell demanded yet again making Ben stand up and exit the room to do what he demanded.

"Now what makes you think their actually going to meet with you especially the leader. A whole bunch of other gang leaders asked the same-"

"KD shut da' fuck up, being all smart and shit!" Kentrell yelled slamming his hand down on the polished wooden table as a vain popped out his forehead, "Go back to being the dumb funny nigga."

KD rolled his eyes not daring to say anything else, sensing the mood he was currently in.

short chapter since i wanted to publish this right away. More chapters soon to come💚

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