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Golden Anderson🌟

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Golden Anderson🌟

I sat there not believing what my private doctor just told me as she packed her things getting ready to leave. She told me I had lost my baby again due to stress.

I ran my hands down my sleek ponytail as I let out a loud sigh thinking of how I was going to tell Kentrell. He was probably going to have a fit again.

I guess god is telling me it's not time for me to have a baby. Tears started to form in my eyes as I thought of the situation I was in.

I don't know why I'm so stressed about how am I going to tell him after all the shit he put me through. I quickly blinked away the tears so they wouldn't fall and took a deep breath.

I must've forgot I wanted revenge.

"What's wrong wit' you?" Kentrell walked in the room with Ben and KD behind him with a bag of food.

"Nothing." I shook head smiling, showing my braces and sat up in my seat.

"I brought you what you wanted." He kissed me on my forehead before leaving the food on the bed.

I wasn't even hungry anymore. I had completely lost my appetite. I sat in the same spot still thinking what my doctor had told me less than ten minutes ago.

How didn't I know I had a miscarriage? Wasn't I supposed to bleed and feel pain?

I was broken out of my thoughts once I heard a silent knock on my window. I slowly got up and went to the window only to see a small note.

I opened it slightly grabbing the note that was written in junky handwriting. I looked around the room making sure nobody else was in here before opening the note reading it.

you didn't kill me.

I furrowed my eyebrows together before balling up the note throwing it in the little trashcan that was next to the bedroom door.

I never failed at trying to kill someone so who the fuck did I possibly miss. I looked out the window one more time before making my way back to the bed and ate my food before it got cold.


The hooded figure quickly climbed down the window before going to the spot where they were told stay at.

Ben walked outside wiping the ketchup from around his mouth and smiled once his eyes landed on the hooded figure.

"What's up bro." Ben shook his hand as the hooded figure took off actually took off its hood allowing his short curly hair to be seen.

"Nothing much, living life." He said making ben laugh showing his fake ass diamond grill.

"Man I can't actually believe you're alive. Wait until kentrell and boomer here's dis." Ben said getting ready to go back outside but he quickly stopped him.

"no i don't wanna tell them just yet. I gotta get golden back." he said making ben smirk liking what he was hearing.

"I'm tryna get ha' ass back too. I know she had something to do with Kentrell's mama and brother murder." The words slipped out of ben's mouth carelessly.

"Damn." He said in shock, "I didn't know dat. I'm just tryna get her back for trying to kill me. She left a nigga paralyzed." He looked around since he was getting ready to leave.

"Say, im finna go though. I'll see you around." He smirked dapping ben.

"Aight, i'll catcha' later Three." He said as he watched him put back on his hood and disappear around the house.

Ben couldn't actually believe he just spoke to Three.

i finally updated💀

go without electricity or go without running water for 48 hours?

get lost in a mountainous forest in the winter or lost in the desert in the summer?

i love yall💚

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