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Golden played with the sharp knife in her hand as she watched Kentrell sleep peacefully on the cold concrete ground in her new basement

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Golden played with the sharp knife in her hand as she watched Kentrell sleep peacefully on the cold concrete ground in her new basement.

"Throw the water on him." Golden instructed making Prada raise up and throw the boiling hot water onto Kentrell.

He shot up quickly before letting out a loud groan making Golden chuckle in amusement. She felt so much powerful at the moment. It's crazy how they switched places, It's like he's her victim now.

Kentrell blinked a couple of times while trying to adjust to the pain that was all over his skin. He furrowed his eyebrows once he noticed Golden and Prada standing in front of him.

He was no where near surprised that Prada actually did know Golden.

"So you kidnapped me, huh?" Kentrell said with his raspy voice as Golden continued to play with the knife in her hand.

"No, you a grown ass man." Prada replied for her with an eye roll.

Golden tucked her knife back into her boot before opening her mouth to speak, "I should really kill you-"

"Do it!" Prada looked at her as if she was crazy, "You done killed everybody else, you might as well kill his no good ass too."

"Shut'cho ugly ass up before I put you in ah wheelchair." Kentrell looked at her with his pitch black eyes making Prada cower immediately.

Golden cleared her throat, "But like I was saying," She clapped her hands together, "I should kill you now, but I need to know where the safe is."

Kentrell licked over his bottom lip as he stared you at Golden. "Fa' what?"

"Why else I'm going to need where the safe is?" Golden rolled her eyes while bending down to his level since he was still on the ground.

"I need the money, Kentrell." Golden said softly with a smirk plastered on her face as she rubbed her hands together.

"Why?" Kentrell scrunched his face as he stared at her as if she was stupid.

"You have as much money as me so why in tha' hell do you want mine?" He said as he jerked around in the chains.

"I went to jail all behind your love." Golden said while pointing a finger into his chest.

"Now I want my money."


Golden walked around her huge house with Prada on her heals as she stopped in front of one her bedroom's. She sighed before walking in.

"You need anything?" Golden asked as Prada stood behind her as if she was her minion.

"I need you to get me out these fuckin' chains!" KD yelled getting even more irritated.

"You should've killed his ass." Prada mumbled under her breath as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I tried but I guess it wasn't his time." Golden shrugged her shoulders before leaving out the room and went into another one.

"You need something?" Golden asked leaning against the door frame as she watched Ben move around in the heavy chains.

Ben looked up at her with a blank glare before continuing to move around in the chains as if he was going to magically break free.

"I guess you'll starve for another six hours." Golden shrugged her shoulders before leaving out the room without any remorse.

"So what are you going to do now?" Prada asked as they both sat down on the sofa and leaned towards the glass table that was in the middle of the huge living room.

Golden shrugged her shoulders once again even though she knew exactly what she was about to do. She grabbed the needle filled with a mixture of deadly drugs as Prada watched her closely.

"Ohhh you're going to inject that into Kentrell." Prada said in realization as she nodded her head.

"Sure." Golden smirked while standing up dusting of her pants as she held the needle in her right hand.

"Can you unlock the basement door for me, I'll be down there in a minute." Golden said nicely.

Prada stared at her for a while before nodding her head, thinking nothing of it. Golden grabbed her gun tucking it into her waist band and followed the same direction Prada went.

Before Prada could fully open the basement door Golden yanked her by her hair pulling her back and injected the needle into her neck before pushing her onto the ground.

Kentrell watched Golden carefully as she dragged Prada next to him and tied a whole bunch of chains around her. He was slowly getting turned on while watching Golden do this criminal shit.

"You fake as hell." Kentrell chuckled shaking his head, "But you still fine as fuck though."

Golden rolled her eyes looking at them once more before leaving out the basement and out of the house making sure to put it on full lock down since no one was there to watch all her victims.

She hesitated while stepping into her expensive car and leaning the seat back some. What if one of them break out? She thought to herself.

She shook the thought away and started the car up and made her way to Prada's parents house to give them a little surprise.

I guess this was a filler🤷🏽‍♀️ idek myself

what year you turned/ turn 18?

sour patch kids or jolly ranchers?

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