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Golden begin to wiggle around as Ben held her down while Brandy continued to point the gun at her. Golden let out a frustrated scream before kicking Brandy making her fall off the roof.

"Oh my-"

Golden lifted her legs and kicked Ben head as hard as she could making him let her go. She quickly crawled away from him and removed the cloth from out her mouth.

Bernice stared at Brandy bloody body that was laying next to her as everyone else stared up at the roof, where she fell from. A couple seconds later Ben came flying off the roof landing on top of Brandy.

"You found me!" Golden yelled finally letting her presence be known as she stood on top of the roof with the sniper in her hands.

"Come down, let me speak wit' you." Kentrell said loud enough for her to hear.

"Speak with me?" Golden repeated while pointing at herself, "You must be out of your damn mind."

Kentrell jerked Bernice over towards him and pointed a gun at her head. "Come down na' or I'll kill her."

Golden shrugged her shoulders before letting out a low chuckle. "Do it. I don't give not one fuck."

Golden backed up before disappearing off the roof, leaving them behind without any second thoughts.

KD shook his head already knowing what Kentrell was about to do. Bernice closed her eyes once she head him cock the pistol before pulling the trigger.



Golden felt so betrayed, she couldn't trust nobody at this very moment. She turned into her driveway making sure no one was following her.

She wasn't going to run from him because she knew she was going to see him again sometime in the future so she was going to prepare.

Golden grabbed the bags full of doja and the bricks of cocaine before walking into her garage. The garage begin to open making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

Once the garage was fully opened Prada limped in with blood all over her. Golden pulled out her pistol and pointed it at Prada.

"So you're going to kill me?" Prada asked not earning a reply, "Really?"

"He sent you here huh?" Golden asked still pointing the gun at her.

"What- no!" Prada shook her head, "I escaped."

Golden believe anything she was saying but she put down her gun and tucked it into her pants. "Take me to where he stay."

Prada eyes widened as she stepped closer to Golden. "He has nothing but body guards surrounding his house-"

"I don't care, now get in." Golden mumbled while opening the door to her dark pink Lamborghini and waited for her to get in.


"This is it?" Golden asked as she parked outside the gated mansion.

"Yeah." Prada muttered as she fell in and out of sleep. Golden went to open the door but Prada stopped her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Prada asked genuinely concerned, "Why won't you just let them come to you?"

Golden stayed quiet as she fiddled with the silencer on her gun. "It's not a lot of them, I'm pretty sure I got this."

Prada rubbed her eyes and leaned more into the seat, trying to get comfortable. Golden shook her head at all the blood that covered her seat.

"Don't leave this car." Golden said sternly before gently closing the door and made her way to the entrance.

"Hey ma'am what are you doin-"

Golden shot the body guard and hopped over the gate landing on her feet. She saw two other guards and shot them before they could notice her.

Golden looked around the huge yard making sure she didn't see anybody else and took her sweet time towards the front door.

She pulled out her black gloves and slid them on before punching the code in to unlock the door but it didn't bulge. She chewed on her bottom lip until she smiled in realization.

"11224." She mumbled as she punched in the code making the door crack open.

She slowly opened it and stepped in. "Kentrell? Is that you, babe?" Golden heard a female voice.

Golden rolled her eyes as she came face to face with a half naked female. "Who are you?" She asked grabbing a robe putting it on.

"Golden." She replied with an eye roll, "I'm the house keeper."

would you rather own a seafood restaurant or Chinese restaurant?

would you rather be deaf or blind?

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