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Kentrell eyes were switching from pitch black to his regular hazel eyes as he listened to Ben talk to him. He was trying to hold his inner demon from coming out since he was doing pretty good these past couple of months.

"Ben just shut tha' fuck up. I'm not tryna hear none of that bullshit, bruh." Kentrell said trying his best to ignore him as KD shook his head while Ben continued to run his mouth.

"So you really don't believe me when I say Golden killed your family?" Ben whispered yell since Golden was only upstairs and he didn't want her to over hear anything.

"I really don't." Kentrell shook his head as he looked back down at his phone. He didn't believe Golden had the guts to kill his family, she might've gone a little crazy since she got of jail but not that crazy.

Ben sighed loudly and sat back on the couch. He wasn't going to give up that easily. Before Prada had died he overheard her talking to Golden how they both killed Kentrell's family out of revenge.

"Bro when have I ever lied to you—"

"Do you have any proof that Golden killed my fuckin' mama and brother!" Kentrell yelled getting tired of hearing Ben's voice. He stayed quiet only making Kentrell smack his lips.

"That's what I fuckin' thought."

"Didn't yo' mama have surveillance cameras around ha' house?" KD finally spoke up making Ben smile since he was actually right this time.

"Finally something smart come outta yo' mouth." Ben said as Kentrell stared off in the distance as if he was trying to remember something.

"You right." He mumbled getting up grabbing his keys and walked out the door. Both KD and Ben stared at each other before rushing to follow him towards his car.


Kentrell was starting to get
frustrated as he sat in front of the huge computer screen as KD and Ben stood behind him.

"Ion know the damn code so I guess we'll never know who killed them." Kentrell ran his hands down his face before laying his down on cold desk since he was starting to get tired.

He was already mad that he forgot his mama had cameras all around her house. He could've been got the mothafuckas that killed his little brother and his mother. They ain't do shit to nobody but I guess that comes with the life of being a dangerous gang leader that have killed thousands.

"Try yo' name." KD suggested making Kentrell smack his lips loudly.

"Why tha' fuck would tha' password be my name?" He scrunched his face up as KD only shrugged.

"Maybe because your the first born." KD mumbled not really caring. He didn't even believe what was coming out his mouth.

Since Kentrell had nothing better, he grabbed the keyboard and roughly typed in his full name almost making one of the keys come off.

Everyone eyes widened once light green words appeared across the screen before different sections of the house popped up on the screen.

Ben looked over at KD weirdly but only kept quiet and looked over back at Kentrell who was typing in the date when his mother and brother had died.

He watched the tapes rewind quickly until it stopped with the numbers '12-16-2018' popped up along with the time which was almost late at night.

Ben rubbed his hands eagerly as he watched Kentrell slowly clicked play letting the video begin. It started off with a dark pink Range Rover pulling up with huge pink rims that matched the color of the car.

Kentrell faced frowned up once he realized who car it was. Two figures got out the truck but only one was unmasked.

"Dumbass." Ben shook his head before smiling once he seen the look on Kentrell's face.

He quickly paused the video and begin to try identify the two figures that were on the screen. They both were skinny and had a decent amount of ass instantly letting him know they were females.

The one that was unmasked were wearing all black with two expensive gold chains. She was light skin with long hair making his eyes widened. She looked so familiar but he couldn't remember who—

"It's Brandy." Ben mumbled as KD nodded his head, agreeing with him.

He was right. Kentrell had hired her after the fact, he knew she worked with Golden so he made deal with her. Either she worked with him and kill Golden or he'll send her whole family to Winnfield including her.

Kentrell didn't even watched the video anymore. He saw everything he needed to see to know that Golden killed his family.

"Wait," Ben stopped him, "let's at least watch a little bit more."

Kentrell pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm himself down before clicking play again. Brandy placed her mask on her face before both her and Golden made their way to the house.

Once it got to the part where they were killing them he closed his eyes. It was too brutal for him and he was never like this. He's been killing people since he was fifteen but watching his mother and brother get killed was too much for him.

He reopened his eyes to see the video was now stopped and was over. "I'm gon' give this bitch a slow ass death." Kentrell said with his now deep voice that was full of hurt and hatred.

i hope yall ain't sleep💀

would you rather need no sleep or need no food?

would ever go to jail for somebody else's crime out of love?

Kidnapped IIWhere stories live. Discover now