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Prada begin laughing loudly as Kentrell stared at her weirdly as he continued to point the gun at her head.

"Tha' fuck you laughing at?" He shoved her head getting irritated.

"It's not loaded." Prada said looking up at him with a small smile.

"What'ch mean it's not loaded?" He tried to mock her before rolling his eyes.

"Your gun," She paused making sure he understood, "Is not loaded." She ended with the same smile on her face.

"You wanna' see?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Kentrell chill out bruh." Ben stepped in, "We in a public area."

"I don't give a fuck." Kentrell shrugged his shoulder before pulling the trigger only to ear a loud click!

"I told you it wasn't loaded." Prada chuckled before leaning back in her seat.

"Shut tha' fuck up." Kentrell mumbled before hitting the back of her head with the gun instantly knocking her out cold.

"Go take her to the truck. I feel as if she got some information." Kentrell said before walking off with the two half naked girls.

He was going to kill the both of them after he got finished with them because they already had seen too much.


"They're leaving." Brandy pointed towards the front door.

Both Golden and Bernice turned their heads to where she was pointing at only to see Three and  Ben leaving.

"Where the fuck is the rest of them?" Golden mumbled, "They had to be here."

"Come on lets go." Bernice said as she watched the both of them walk out the front door.

"Wait where's Prada?" Brandy asked before beginning to look around the crowded house.

"I'll text her to meet us at the car. Now let's go before we loose them." Bernice said before taking off.

Once they made it outside they saw Three and Ben walking towards a black truck with tinted windows.

"Can yall hurry tha' fuck up. It's getting cold as hell out here!" KD yelled as he stood by the truck waiting on Three to unlock the doors.

Three began walking slower only to make KD get even more irritated. "Three stop playing before we get caught tryna' kidnapped somebody else."

"The fuck is he talking about?" Brandy whispered into Bernice ear as she sent a text to Prada while Golden watched closely.

Baby Joe and KD was standing in front of something like they were trying to hide some shit. Golden looked closer to see the same red skirt Prada was wearing.

"Oh shit." Golden eyes widen without another word she pulled out her gun and shot Baby Joe & KD.

She missed KD by a inch but she most definitely hit Baby Joe though.

"What the fuck Golden?" Bernice whispered before dragging Golden away from the scene.

"I thought I told you not to shoot nobody." Brandy sighed shaking her head.

"They got Prada." Golden said as she watched the black truck speed away.


"Shut the fuck up." Golden held her hand up not wanting to hear anything from the both of them.

She started walking towards Brandy car with her gun still in her hand.

"Are we going to follow them?" Brandy mumbled, kind of worried about Prada.

"Nope." Golden got into the passenger seat.

"Why not-"

"Because I said so! Last time I checked I was the fucking leader!" Golden yelled making Brandy jump in her seat.

The Next Day...

"Did you get into her phone?" KD asked while looking over Three's shoulder as he fiddled with Prada's phone.

"No she has a strong system that's blocking me from gettin' in." Three said letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Only gang members have that." Ben spoke up with his eyebrows scrunched together.

"I know that but hers is hard to break into." Three smacked his lips before running his hand down his face.

"Well how 'bout we just go down there and ask her for the passcode." KD said in a 'duh' tone.

"You know goddamn well she ain't gone tell us." Ben chuckled.

"Then we can just beat it outta her." KD shrugged his shoulders before throwing his hood over his head.

A knock on the door made all them look at each other. "Come on!" KD yelled.

Their private nurse Kentrell hired walked in with her scrubs still on. "Joe has requested to see yall." She mumbled before walking away.

They all got up before walking towards the room Baby Joe was in since he was injured.

"What's up broke bitch." KD raised his hand for Joe to dap but he just stared at it before turning his attention over to Three and Ben.

"Where Kentrell at?" He asked while slowly sitting up careful to not hurt his wound.

"We don't know." Ben shrugged his shoulders, "We haven't seen his ass yet."

"Did yall find out who shot me?" Joe asked another question hoping they had the answer.

"Nah but we do know it had to do something wit' dat girl Prada." Three mumbled as he twisting a piece of his hair.

Joe let out a heavy sigh before leaning back in his bed. "Wait until Kentrell hear about dis'."

"Hear about what?" Kentrell came walking through the door with blood all over him.

if a girl spit on a boy face, is he allowed to hit her?

anybody trying to gimme their Netflix account so I can watch Birdbox💀I'll give you a shout-out🙂

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