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Golden pulled up into her driveway to see her house was surrounded in darkness making her scrunch her face in confusion

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Golden pulled up into her driveway to see her house was surrounded in darkness making her scrunch her face in confusion. She had these smart lights that should be on six o'clock on the dot but instead they were all off.

"My gosh." She mumbled while getting out her car and towards the back door.

She had a feeling one of them had got free so that means all of them should a loose too. She took her time unlocking the door before walking in.

Inside the house was dark too making her sigh loudly. "I don't have time for this. Just show your self."

The light flickered on making Golden squint her eyes a little bit until she saw Kentrell advancing towards her.

"Hey, luv." He wrapped his arms around her bloody attire and kissed her forehead as she stood still not knowing what to do.

"What's dis?" He muttered licking his thumb before wiping away the dried blood from underneath her left eye.

"How you get a loose from the chains?" She asked while slowly backing away from him until she was a good couple feet away.

"Don't worry about dat." He smiled at her, "Oh and I let Ben and KD go, they out handling some business."

Golden didn't say anything and only tilted her head at him. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? Shouldn't he be wanting to kill me, right now? She wondered to herself.

Kentrell yanked her roughly making her break out of her train of thought and placed his hand on the back of her neck bringing her closer before smashing his lips onto her soft ones.

Kentrell couldn't hide the feelings he had feeling for Golden. He did kind of miss the old Golden but he liked her new mind set better. She was completely thugged out.

"Kiss back." Kentrell grumbled getting frustrated.

Golden blinked a couple of times before completely closing her eyes and started to move her lips with his in sync. Kentrell smirked in between the kiss and slid one of his hand up her shirt and grabbed her breast making her moan softly.

"You wanna know where tha' safe is?" He asked pulling away so they both could catch their breath.

Golden didn't even know what to say at the moment. She chewed on her bottom lip as he watched her intensely with fire in his eyes.

"No." She said as she grabbed his rough hand and began to lead him you the long staircase.

"I only want you." She added as they continued to walk up the stairs before going into her huge bedroom.

That's all Kentrell needed to hear before he gently pushed her onto the bed and stripped her out her clothes until she was fully naked.


"Now what was allat' hot shit you was talkin' back in tha' house?" KD asked as he dragged Prada out of the house and into the woods as Ben followed.

Prada was going in and out of consciousness as Ben started to send hard blows to her face while KD was dancing in the back.

"Wait!" KD said stopping Ben from sending another hard punch with his fist, "Any last words?"

Prada tried to blink away the tears as she stared at Ben then at KD into  his eyes.

"I fucked your daddy and he nutted in me so now I'm your step mama, bitch."

Ben looked over at KD with his eyebrows raised as KD tried to keep his jaw from dropping wide.

"I don't even know my daddy." KD furrowed his eyebrows before kicking Prada in her stomach.

"So fuck you and dat' nigga." Ben chuckled before pulling out his gun and sent a bullet threw her head.

"Damn." KD bent down so he was closer to the bloody mess, "You can see her brain cells."

Woah💀 plot twist

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know how you're going to die or know exactly when you're going to die?

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