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"It's been a whole week since we seen or heard from Prada." Bernie said as she pranced around Golden's huge living room.

"Duh because she's with Kentrell and his stupid ass gang." Golden rolled her eyes before looking back down at her phone and continued typing.

"Well when are we going to rescue her? They're probably beating on her and-"

Golden slammed her phone down on the table making both Brandy and Bernice almost jump out of their skin at the loud noise.

"Will you shut the hell up?" Golden said getting irritated, "I'm trying to do something very important but I can't because you won't stop running your damn mouth!" Golden was full blown yelling by now as Bernice cowered far on the other side of the living room.

Brandy shook her head at the frightened look that was plastered on Bernice's face and continued looking over the blue prints making sure they're wasn't any mistakes.

Golden sighed in relief once she knew Bernice wouldn't be talking anytime soon before picking up her phone and continued typing.


"Tell me all you know or-"

"Or what?" Prada smirked up at Kentrell as he towered over her small frame.

"You gone beat me like you did Golden?"

The whole room grew silent as everyone stared at Prada in shock. Prada wasn't supposed to let them know that she knew Golden but she was growing irritated since she was stuck with them for about a week and she was starting to think Golden wasn't going to rescue her anytime soon.

"Tha' fuck did you just say?" Kentrell asked calmly even though his chest was heaving up and down.

"You heard me nigga." Prada replied while smiling as Three went to pull Kentrell back but he shook him off.

"I knew dis bitch know Golden, somehow." KD murmured to Baby Joe as they watched her intensely.

"But how?" Baby Joe asked in confusion, "Golden is still in jail."

Kentrell pulled out his .38 from out his waist band and pointed it directly at Prada's skull as she continued to smile up at him, not scared one bit.

"Oh so instead of beating on me you're going to hold me at gun point just like you did Golden, huh?" Prada said sarcastically, knowing she was getting in to Kentrell's head.

"Just shoot tha' bitch already!" KD yelled hoping Kentrell would listen to him.

Ben walked into the room with a sandwich in his hand but completely stopped once he saw what was happening. "What did I just walk into?" He murmured as he continued to chew on his subway sandwich.

Everyone watched intensely waiting on Kentrell to shoot Prada but he never did. He slowly put the gun down as a tear slipped out of his eye and rolled down his cheek.

"Cry baby ass nigga." KD murmured as he begin to walk out of the room, "I'm done with dis shit." He said as he held up the peace sign.

Something triggered in Kentrell and made him start breathing heavy again as he began to tremble roughly.

Prada watched with the same smile on her face as Kentrell fell to the floor while continuing to tremble with sweat dripping down his forehead.

"He's havin' a fucking panic attack!" Three yelled as Baby Joe ran out of the room to get help.

Kentrell felt dizzy as he laid on the ground while Three hovered over him on the phone with their private nurse that would be arriving shortly.

Prada laughed loudly as she watched a nurse run in towards Kentrell as he continued to have a panic attack.


Another week later. . .

"Kendell get tha' door!" Sherhonda yelled at her son as she laid in her bed with only her night light on.

She was super tired since she just came home from work not too long ago even though Kentrell told her not to and gave her loads amounts of money.

Kendell sighed pausing his game and threw his controller on the bed before hopping up, stomping towards the front door.

Kendell unlocked the door without even asking who was it and opened the door wide. "Tha' hell you want bru-"

He was cut off by getting the wind knocked out of body making him collapse to the polished wooden floor. One dark figure tapped his mouth shut before he could even scream for his mama while the other dark figure went towards him mama room.

He wiggled around as the dark figure dragged him to the kitchen and cut on the light. He squinted his eyes as he eyed the unknown figure that had a mask on with a monkey smoking a huge cigar and two expensive chains around their neck.

Once the other figure came back dragging his mother next to him he made sure to get a good look of them. The other unknown person had a mask of Donald Trump covering their face with a iced out Rolex on.

The person with the monkey mask on started digging through their kitchen until they pulled out a huge chef knife that was no where near dull.

Kendell started to scream while his mother laid next to him in shock. "Boy shut the hell up already." The one with the Donald Trump mask said but only made him scream louder even though his mouth was duck tapped.

The voice was unrecognizable since they had some type of voice changer kind of making them sound like a robot, like the voice used for Scream. idk, shit💀

The person with the monkey mask came back and snatched the duck tape of Kendell's mouth as they still held the huge knife in their hand.

"My brotha' is goin' to find the both of you and beat tha' shit outta yall-"

He stopped talking once the person stuck the knife into his mouth and down his throat. Sherhonda eyes widen as she watched her son die right in front of her.

"You one dumb scary bitch." The one with the Donald Trump mask laughed as the other one continued to dig the knife deeper down his throat.

"You aren't even tied up and yet you're still laying there not trying to help your son." The person shook their head as they slowly advanced towards her.

"She could've even ran." The other one said as they sliced Kendell's chest open, "But hey, she's only making our job easier."

"Now before I kill you." They bent down to Sherhonda's level and began to play in her hair, "What's the code?"

"W-what code?" Sherhonda asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Bitch don't play fucking dumb!" The one with the Donald Trump mask yelled pulling out a gun pointing it to her head.

"I-I don't know-"

She was cut off by a bloody heart thrown into her face. It was Kendell's and it was beating too. The person with the monkey mask started laughing hysterically since they were the one that threw it.

"Answer my question hoe. Now what's the code, damn." The other one pushed the pistol deeper into her skull making her wince.

"11214." That was the exact day Kentrell met Golden.


on my unborn child, yall better vote and comment or im not going to update this book for a while like i literally just did.

go read my new book 'Unwanted'

drink mustard after every meal or have bad acene for the rest of your life?

have bad breath for the rest of your life or bad body odor every other day no matter what?

^gum wouldn't help either or anything else💀

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