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"Ight I'll catch yall later

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"Ight I'll catch yall later." Kentrell nodded his head at everyone as he headed to his car.

He got in closing the door before pressing the push button start. He grabbed his phone and began to dial his mother number as he let the car warm up.

He scrunched his face up once his mother sent him straight to voicemail. He called once more only to be sent to voicemail again.

"Oh hell nah." He mumbled before taking off in the direction of his mother house.


In about an hour Kentrell was pulling up in front of his mother house with a worried look on his face. He got out to see the front door was wide open.

He looked around the middle class neighborhood before rushing into the house.

"Mama! Kendell!" He yelled as he stepped over some shattered glass. He walked further in to the house to the walls and soft carpet was covered in nothing but blood.

He could feel himself slowly becoming angry as he continued to stare at the bloody walls. He pulled out the .38 that was tucked into his pants and began walking down the dark hall.

A strong smell came to his nose making him groan loudly. He knew exactly what that smell was. It was the smell a dead body.

His noise twitched as he walked into his brothers room. It was completely dark so he turned on the light only to see his younger brother  lifelessly laying on the ground.

The gun fell out his hand as he stood there, trying to process everything. It felt as if everything was coming to an end for Kentrell.

He stepped closer to his deceased brother only to see his head was chopped off. He wanted to scream and cry but he couldn't bring himself to.

He wanted to murder the person who had did this to his little brother. His brother didn't do anything to anybody, so why would they do this?

He felt something cold drip down on to his neck so he looked up only to see his brother, Kendell, head hanging from the ceiling.

Kentrell quickly left out the room not bothering to look back. "Mama whea' you at?" He yelled.

He walked out the back door, hearing something smacking and chewing loudly. He spotted a huge pitbull chewing away on something. He looked closer to see the pitbull was eating his mother guts away as a knife stuck out of her shoulder.

Kentrell turned around not bothering to stop the animal from eating his mother away. You guys are probably wondering why isn't he going crazy?

Well the answer is, he's actually fighting his inner demons and once he finds out who killed his family, he were going to release the demon he had inside of him.

And I'm not talking about Top either.

"Who are you trying to look sexy for?" Bernice and Prada smiled all up in Golden's face

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"Who are you trying to look sexy for?" Bernice and Prada smiled all up in Golden's face.

"Nobody but my damn self." Golden rolled her eyes as she grabbed her back purse and headed to Brandy's red Jeep.

Bernice and Prada hopped into a car together before following behind Golden and Brandy as they drove to the little get together they were invited to.


This was a little snippet i guess🤷🏽‍♀️


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