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Kentrell ate his pizza with a smile plastered on his face

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Kentrell ate his pizza with a smile plastered on his face. This morning he woke up in a wonderful mood and he wasn't planning on letting anybody take his happiness away from him.

"The hell you smiling for?" Golden walked into the kitchen looking at him suspiciously as a small smile formed on her face.

His happy mood was rubbing off on her already, it was just contagious.

Kentrell shrugged and took another bite of his pizza even though he knew exactly why he was in such a happy mood. Last night him and Golden went about four rounds and each round he released himself in her.

He watched her limp to the refrigerator and grab the bag of frozen grapes before slowly sitting down on the stool.

"You aight?" Kentrell chuckled as he watched her groan and rub her sore thighs.

"Boy does it look like I'm 'aight'?" She mocked him while rolling her eyes.

He laughed as he walked towards her as she continued to smack on her grapes. "You want me to run you anotha' bubble bath?"

He waited on her reply as he monuvered his way in between her legs and massaged her inner thighs with both of his thumbs.

"I can do it myself but—"

"You know I got 'chu, baby girl." He smiled up at her as he rested his head on her chest that was only covered with a see through crop top.

He pecked her lips a couple of times before lifting her up and took her upstairs to his huge bathroom. He sat her on the closed toilet lid before starting up the jacuzzi and added a little bubbles along with a bath bomb.

Once he turned around Golden was already fully naked ready to get in. He licked his lips as he stared at her pierced nipples. He shook his head from the nasty thoughts he wanted to do to her and rubbed his hand together.

"You got it?" He asked as he watched her stand up and slowly get in the warm jacuzzi.

She nodded her head as she bit her bottom lip. He gave her one last look debating whether or not he should get in before exiting out of the bathroom.

He sighed looking around the half empty room since they would be leaving in a couple of hours. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket making him pull it out.

He looked on his lock screen to see he had gotten a text from an unknown number. He was starting to get curious so he unlocked his phone going straight to the message.

you still haven't found out who killed your brother and mother?

He read the text over and over again  debating whether or not he should reply. He was just going to delete the message and enjoy the rest of his day but he couldn't bring himself to it.

who is this?

the person who knows who killed
your brother and mother🙃

stop playing on my phone.

i just wanted to help you out, damn.

who said i didn't already know?

obviously you don't because they're still walking around without a care in the world.

maybe i just wanted to wait until the time is right.

hmm, doesn't sounds like you

you don't even know me gtfoh

i know you but you don't know me

you're right but if you knew me you'll know that i can easily find you. i have eyes everywhere

if you had eyes everywhere
you would know who killed
your family STOOPID

Kentrell could feel his blood boil as his breathing started to get heavy as he continued to stare at the screen of his iPhone. He tried to stop his hands from shaking before typing a reply.

you're dead.


would you rather be known
as a liar or a cheater?

would you rather have a personal
house cook or a personal house cleaner?

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