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One month later

Golden stared at the two pregnancy test that was on top of the bathroom counter that both had two lines which indicated that she was pregnant.

She grabbed both of them before making her way around the huge condo to find Kentrell. She walked in one of the rooms to see Kentrell, Ben, and KD playing on the PlayStation.

"Kentrell." She called out but he ignored her keeping his eyes glued to the huge flat tv screen.

"Kentrell." She called out once more.

She sighed before pulled out the two pregnancy test from behind her back making them noticable for everyone to see. "I'm pregnant."

Kentrell head quickly snapped towards her almost giving him whip flash. He stared at her hand with wide eyes before falling on to the ground.

"I know dis nigga didn't just pass out." KD stood up walking towards him.

"You being fa' real?" Ben asked as he glared over at Golden but nobody else caught it.

Not even a damn soul:
Ben: You being fa' real?" KD said before busting out laughing.

Golden rolled her eyes at them before sitting down since she was starting to get tired and feet was starting to ache.

Ben shook Kentrell softly to wake him but he didn't bulge. "Get out tha way." KD shoved him over before throwing the game controller at Kentrell head.

"Damn he already got enough dents as it is!" Ben yelled as he tried not to laugh.

"I bet you he wake his ass up." KD poker his lips out as Kentrell tossed over with a low groan.

"He up?" Golden asked as she scrolled through her phone. She didn't have time for their bullshit.

"What happened?" Kentrell asked as he stood up with his pants hanging lowly.

"You passed out once I told you I was pregnant." Golden told him with a small smile.

Kentrell stayed silent for a while causing Golden to become nervous. Many thoughts started to roam in her head. Was he going to leave me? Does he not want the baby? Is he happy?

"We're finally having a baby!" Kentrell yelled happily as he picked Golden up twirling her around making her laugh loudly.

"Yall boutta fuck?" KD blurted pulling out his phone going to his camera.

"It's time fa' us to go." Ben mumbled as he gripped onto KD's shirt pulling him out of the room.

"I can't believe you finna' have my baby." Kentrell said happily as he set her down, "I got to marry yo' ass, now."

Golden eyes widened as Kentrell continued to ramble on and on. She loved Kentrell to death but she wasn't ready for that type of commitment yet. Maybe sometime further in the future if they were still together.

Kentrell begin to kiss Golden all over her face breaking her out the little trance she was in. "Stopp!" She giggled loudly.

He ignored her and started to kiss further down her face until he reached her neck. He begin to suck on her neck making sure to leave his mark.

He froze once he heard police sirens getting closer as red and blue lights flashed through the window making the whole room light up.

"Why you stopped?" Golden asked as Kentrell raised up.

"Because the police outside." He looked her crazily. Kentrell wasn't trying to go to jail and if he did, that was 10 plus years on his belt and he was not willing to do all that time.

"So." Golden shrugged.

"Come on, we can fuck later after we get the police off our ass." He gripped onto her hand before running off.

would you rather be a twin or a triplet?

go to school butt naked or go to church in stripper clothes?

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