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Golden followed Kentrell into the church with her huge black hat tilted over her face as she fixed her black jacket that she brought not too long ago.

Only a few people noticed them coming in as the rest kept their eyes on KD while Ben tried to snatch the microphone out of his hand.

"Somebody gotta' give me my $7.34 or it's gone be some—"

Ben finally snatched the mic from out his hand before looking up at the crowd with an apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I don't even know why his ugly ass even actin' like dis." Everyone gasped at Ben use of words making Kentrell shake his head and snatch the mic out of his hand too.

Golden tried to hold in her laugh as she watched KD move his imaginary bang from out his face and hold his chest. "Well excuse tha' fuck outta' me."

Everyone gasped once again making an old lady stand up from off the first row and look around the church. "Where is the Pastor? Can somebody please get Pastor Paul?"

"So nobody ain't gone give me my $7.34?" KD asked as everyone continued to ignore him, "Bet."

He nodded his head before knocking down the huge picture of Baby Joe that was behind his casket then opened the bottom half of his casket and started digging through the pockets of his pants.

"KD just get out." Kentrell said grabbing him by his shirt.

"You gone give me my money?" KD asked while his hand was still in Baby Joe's pocket.

Kentrell didn't reply making KD smack his lips before kicking the casket making it fall over and Baby Joe body rolled out.

Golden couldn't hold in her laughs any more and started screaming loudly while clapping her hands and stomping her feet.

"It's time to go." Kentrell said before grabbing both KD and Ben by their shirts and dragged them out the church while Golden got up to follow.

They all piled up into Ben's car and drove off towards Kentrell house while KD continued to complain about the money Joe still owed him.

_ _ _ _ _ _

"So we back cool again?" Kentrell asked as he watched Golden punch in the code to his safe and grab a couple of stacks before shutting it back shut.

"I guess." Golden side eyes him before looking down at the money.

"You know we gone on da' run soon, right?" Kentrell asked while admiring Golden's features as she counted the money setting it on the marble table.

"Yeah, I was looking at the news earlier and they found out that I had something to do with those 6 robbery's all the way in Florida." Golden said as she continued to concentrate on the money that was in front of her before finishing,

"And they also seen us together and  now they think we're about to make this mass plan and blow up the whole damn United States." Golden chuckled as Kentrell listened lighting up one of his cigarettes before placing it into his mouth.

"You wanna' do it?" Kentrell asked seriously before taking a puff and turned his head to let out the smoke.

"No because they already think we're going to do that and we're easily going to get caught." She said as Kentrell nodded his head and pulled out his phone to see he had received a text from Ben.

ben10🐍 ya know we could've stayed wit you. It wouldn't have been a problem🤷🏾‍♂️

ik but it's time for me to
handle my problems on
my own. i'll see you when
i see you slime💚

Kentrell sighed before deleting Ben's number since he was going to do it anyways so there wouldn't be any trace. Since him and Golden was going to be on the run he didn't want KD and Ben to have any parts of it because they haven't been identified by the police yet and if they were, they could get serious amounts of time.

"So where we going first?" Golden asked rapping the money in a rubber band before climbing onto Kentrell's lap.

Kentrell licked over his lips as he pretended to think. "How about Atlanta? I gotta' deal dat's worth about 76,000 down thea' , anyways."

Golden shrugged her shoulders before laying against his chest as he began to massage her booty with his hands mostly his thumbs.

"You rememba' you said you wanted to have my babies?" Kentrell continued to massage her booty as she fell in and out of sleep.

"Mhmm. Something like that." She whispered thinking back to memory.

"You wanna' test dat out?" Kentrell asked making Golden sit up with a smirk plastered on her face. All of sudden she wasn't sleepy anymore.

"You already know the answer to that babe."

would you rather walk barefooted on sharp glass or on hot rocks?

Reese's or Kitkats?

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