Chapter 2

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I mean come on. How am I suppose to stay away from him? He lives at my our house or we live at his house. However you want to look at it.. He drives me to school. We have some of the same classes together. Yeah I can't stay away from him even of I tried. Stupid girl. Yeah we live in the same house.

One our parents are best friends two his father is alpha and mine is beta. So yeah we live in our own mini mansion. I say mini mansion because it's not small enough to call a house but it's not big enough to qualify as a mansion. We also have a safe house for the women and children to go to when there's a fight going on. The rest of the pack live around town in there own little houses.

What sucks about my traumatic experience is that I haven't shifted yet. We are suppose shift when we are sixteen but I never did. Everyone says its because once again I'm traumatized. I don't know but it sucks. I can't even mind link with anyone until I do.

I hate rouges they took everything from me. My voice, my brother, my wolf and well sometimes my parents. They stay strong for I'd. Really they do but sometimes it's hard for them and I understand that. I hear my mom crying sometimes at night and my dad comforting her. They have never blamed me though and sometimes I wish they would. I wish that I was big enough to kill them myself, to somehow stop it. But I was only two. I didn't know what or who they were. Like I said I don't remember it but I've been told I was just outside playing with my little brother when apparently two rouges slipped thru our borders and into our backyard and came after us. I screamed as they apparently snapped his neck and that's when my parents come running out and killed them.

That was the last time I spoke. No one is to blame but the rouges.

Since then Billy has tighten the security around our borders. His name was Joseph Michael Steele but I couldn't say Joseph I could only say Joey and that's what's on his grave stone little Joey. We visit him once a year. On his birthday mom and dad won't see him anymore than that. I don't blame them they lost their youngest son.

Mom and dad wanted more kids but after that they opted out. I'm waiting for her to have another one. I see the longing looks when there's a baby born. In the human world and in our pack. She'll give in one day and I hope she does. We need another girl around here. Everyone else seems to pop out damn boys.

When we reach school we get out. Austin slings his arm over my shoulder as we walk in the school.

"So what are you getting me for my birthday?" he ask me.

*What do want* I ask signing. He thinks about.

"What I want I can't have." he says squeezing my shoulder. "So what ever you want to get me." he finishes.

*I'm not getting you Megan Fox* I sign to him. He chuckles shaking his head.

"No she's not he girl I want." he says letting go of me walking off. What's that suppose to mean? Weirdo. I smile shaking my head walking to my locker. Oh yeah I can sign and so can my family. When I quit talking mom made us all learn. I mean all of us.

"Later sis." Zander says nudging me. I wave at his back knowing he can't see me. I don't know why I do that. I just feel I have to do it wether he can see me or not.

"Why can't I have ten edible men talk to me?" Emma ask me as I get to my locker as she watches the guys goof off. I grab a piece of paper writing her a note.

*Trust me you don't want that* I write. She scoffs rolling her eyes.

"How could I not want those delicious men talking to me?"

*They are annoying* I write. she shrugs.

"And hot especially that fine piece of ass you call brother." she says. I scrunch up my face in disgust. "Oh come on even you got to admit he's hot." she says. I fake gag writing again.

*That's my brother* I write.

"Okay what about Austin?" she ask me cocking an eyebrow.

"That one I'll give you but he's still like my brother* I write. She nods.

"At least you admit he hot." she says. "What about the rest?" she ask me. I shrug. They are all hot I admit but they are all like brothers to me and that's just gross. Emma is human and a lot like me.

She's quiet unless she knows you. Once she gets to know you she babbles. As me I'm quiet all the time duh but I have a feeling if I could talk of still be quiet. She's a book worm, like the same music as I do. She knows nothing of the werewolf world. She's small and petite like me. We have a lot in common. I met her last year after she moved here and I finally got the courage to talk to her. She moved here in the middle of the school year and I noticed her staying to herself. Well about three months before school ended I finally went up to her because I knew she wasn't like most of these girls trying to be my friend to get in good with the boys and she was like me a nerd who stayed to herself. We've been friends since. Over the summer she came to my house and I went to hers. We spent a lot of time together. I'm teaching her sign language but she's kinda slow at it.

"Help me!" someone grunts next to me. I look over my shoulder seeing Austin with his math book open. I look at him cocking an eyebrow. "Don't look at me that way. I forgot to do it." he groans. I shake my head smiling. Forgot my butt. I take his book. "One thru twenty." I tells me. I nod and get to work. I don't mind doing this for them. They don't do this often so it's okay.

Besides they know how to do it they just need someone that can work fast and someone that can write like they can so they can pass it off as theirs. I can even write like my mom and dad and the alpha. Shhh they don't know that. I've had to forge a couple of detention slips for the boys. I know what your thinking they use you Alex but they don't. Like I said they don't do this often. If they did then I'd say no. Once I'm done I give it back to him. "Thanks Alex your the best." he says kissing my cheek and runs off.

"Oh my heart be still." Emma sighs dramatically fanning herself. One of these days I'm going to tell her that they can hear her and I'm going to laugh when she blushes.

I silently laugh shaking my head just as the bell rings. I grab my book and we head off to class. First hour nothing special happen like always. We just had to read Romeo and Juliet again. Every year we have to read it. We should know this book by heart. It wasn't until after lunch that my day turned upside down.


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