Chapter 22

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The next day we get up and get ready. We leave to eat breakfast and head to the track. I had to make sure I had everything. Austin and Zander want to make sure they have plenty of photos to remember this by. Such boys.

When we got there I decided I'd order them each a video too. I knew I couldn't record the whole thing. Eleven of them for that matter.

When Austin comes out in his safety gear. I will admit he looked pretty damn sexy in it. So I quickly took a couple of pictures of him as well as the rest of them.

Emma and I had to leave them because they had to go thru a safety course. I feel sorry for the guy that has to teach them. Nine very excited boys bouncing around. They couldn't keep still. Like at all. Poor guy.

So when we left them this guy showed us to our seats and told us we could walk around. He told us how long we have so we could be back in time before they started. So we walked around. Was looking at everything. Emma surprisingly likes NASCAR too.

We went to the gift shop and I bought the boys so keepsakes. Key rings, t shirts blah blah. Yeah. I rolled my eyes at Emma when she said she couldn't get them anything. I wrote that all this was from both of us and if she wanted to use Zander's credit card that he gave her to get them something. She refused. Dork. But agree that we could call the stuff I got them a gift from both of us. When it was time we got us something to drink and went to our seats.

Let me tell you it sucked. Why we had to go was beyond me. We could have sat at the hotel by the pool but nooo. First it was hot and humid out. Thankfully I was smart enough to wear a rank top and shorts. Then it was boring.

If I would have known that I would have to come and watch I would have bought another package. One with shorter laps. I got them 36 I should have gotten them 12. We had to find things to do. We walked around, ate, took pictures, played games on our phones, moaned and groaned. It was not very fun.

Finally it was over. The guys bounced out with freaking huge ass grins and dirty. When I say bounced I literally mean bounced. Luckily they were tired too. So we packed up got there video taped and left. We got something to eat on our way back and ate. The whole time they did nothing but talk about it. Stupid guys.

*next trip we take it's going to be for me and Em and all of you are coming with us* I tell them.

"Okay." the choir. Oh they are so not getting off that easy.

*oh no we are going to a spa and you guys have to go to get all girly* I tell them. Oh now that would be funny. They groan of course while I sit back and snicker.

"Yep facials, mud baths, legs waxed, bikini wax." Emma smirks.

"woah now no one is touching my legs and well. Yeah." Allen says. I nod smiling evilly. I wouldn't do that but it's funny watching them squirm.

"You wouldn't do that to us." Austin says.

*wanna bet* I ask. He rolls his eyes.

"You love me to much to torcher me." he says.

*oh I see so you don't love me* I ask him.

"Of course I do." he says kissing my nose.

*you torchered me* I tell him. That shut him up. He opens and closes his mouth several time trying to think if something to say. Me one him zero.

"Oh." he finally says as the guys snicker. "I'm sorry I didn't think I just wanted you close by. I'm sorry angel. I'll go." he says.

"God your whipped." Zander says. I cock an eyebrow.

"Says the guy who can't drive his own car." Austin says. Zander groans as we laugh at him. We continue to joke and talk then finally we leave.

When we get back to the hotel I go get my bag.

I decided that tonight we are going to fully mate. I'm not scared or anything maybe a little nervous. I've already talked to mom about it years ago and then the other day. She took me up and got me a little purple nightly and matching panties. Yeah she's okay with it. She knows it's going to happen sooner or later and she wants grand kids. Freak. I'm okay with having kids. I knew it was a good chance of me getting pregnant with my mate but considering its an alpha. Yeah I have a hundred percent chance and Austin already said he wanted kids with me.

So I jumped in the shower shaved twice. I didn't want to miss anything. I scrubbed my body real good. I got out dried off and put lotion all over my body. I used plain lotion once then smell good lotion. He likes sweat pea so. When I was done I fixed my hair. Nothing special just blow dried it straight and let it hang down instead of putting in a pony tail like I usually do. I took a deep breathe and walked out.

Austin is standing up with back turned to me watching tv.

"It's about ti..." he says turning around but stops as soon as he sees me. He just stares at me. And stares. Uh creepy much? Then he shakes his head coming out of his daze. "Wow Alex you look..." he stops again and starts walking towards me. He stops in front of crashing his lips to mine kissing me passionately. He breaks the kiss for much needed air. "Beautiful." he pants. I smile up at him panting as well. "What's this for?" he ask me playing with my hair. I cock an eyebrow. Think about it genius "You know you don't have too." he tells me. I nod. "You might get pregnant." he tells me. I nod again. I know why he is asking all this. He wants me to be sure. "Are you sure?" he ask me. I didn't answer him this time. Instead I got on my tippy toes grabbed his neck and pressed his lips to mine. He lifted me making me wrap my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed and gently laid me down. He breaks the kiss nibbling, licking and kissing me down my neck. "I love you Alex but are you sure?" he whispers. I roll my eyes. Of course I'm sure silly boy. I didn't answer him again. I brought his head and pressed my lips to his as I wrote I love you above his heart.

It was incredible, magical. The most amazing thing I ever experienced. Sadly it ended but I think we will be doing that so often. He rolls off of me bringing me closer to him as he does.

"I love you Alex." he whispers in my neck. I roll to my side looking up at him smiling. This time I didn't write it. I lift my head laying it on top of his getting close to his ear.

"I love you too Austin." I horsely whisper. He quickly pulls back in shock smiling like a loon and crashing his lips to mine.


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