Chapter 26

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I broke down and just cried. I didn't care who was in the car with me. I need to get this out before I saw her. He's right. If I freaked out she will and now is not the time for her to freak out. We were already worried about her tiny body and stress. Now this. I got to get in there to her. I dry my tear and suck it up.

"You okay?" Zander ask. I nod.

"Yeah I think so." I tell him. He nods.

"Austin you have to be she needs you right now." he tells me.

"I know." I say nodding. I take a few deep breathes. I hate this. I feel so weak. And now is not the time for it. I have a mate that's going to need all my strength. "Let's go." I tell him. He nods unlocking the doors.

I jump out and haul ass inside. I run to our little infirmary but I'm stopped by Emma. She slaps the shit out of me.

"In case you freak out." she tells me opening the door. I just nod. Everyone knows how I am with Alex. She's my air, water. She's everything. I walk inside and almost died. Her face is black and blue and so swollen. I run up to her cupping her face gently putting my forehead to hers.

"Hey beautiful." I whisper pulling back some.

"Hey." she whispers. Yeah I'm shocked but now is not the time for questions about her talking.

"You okay?" I ask her. I know stupid question.

"No Austin its the baby." she tells me tearing up.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask her.

"They don't think it'll make it." she sobs. Yes we say it because we have no clue what it is yet. Alex didn't want to know and what Alex wants Alex gets. I froze. I didn't know what to do or say. I can't freak. No Austin think of Alex.

"Of course it will. It has a very strong momma so you know the baby is going to be strong as well." I tell her.

If we lose this baby I don't think Alex will make it. She's already fragile. Now with almost being raped while having her baby cut out and then losing the baby. No she won't make it.

"I'm scared Austin." she whispers.

"I know baby but stay calm everything will be fine." I say trying to convince us both. She nods taking a few deep breathes." I love you." I tell her. I wanted to kiss her but he lips are so swollen. That bastard if he wasn't dead I'd kill him. Hell I might just go dig him up bring him back to life do I can kill him again slow and very painfully.

"I love you too." she says. I smile brightly.

"When did you learn how to talk?" I joke. She shrugs and hisses in pain. "You okay?" I panic.

"My shoulder hurts." she tells me. I look up and see the doctor giving me a sad look. I look back at Alex.

"I'll be back okay? I want to talk to the doctor." I say. She nods closing her eyes. I let go of her and pull the doctor outside. I corner her against the wall and get right in her face.

"You do everything in your power to save that baby or I will kill you myself am I understood!" I growl thru gritted teeth. She looks at me scared nodding.

"That's what I need to talk to you about. I think I can save them both." she says.

"What do you mean both?" I ask confused. She pushes me away from her and herself from the wall.

"The baby has put so much stress on her body that her heart is failing." she says pacing. I froze. What did she say?

"Why wasn't I told about this?" I ask her sitting down. I knew about the stress but not that her heart could fail.

"That's why I kept a close eye on her. She was fine. She really was so I wasn't to worried about it but I kept an eye on her. Now with what just happened its taken it toll." I nod in understanding.

"So what can you do?" I ask her sitting down. She sighs sitting down next to me.

"They have a better chance if I do a C section." she tells me. I look over at her.

"You do whatever you have to but I'm telling you now. You hold three peoples lives in your hands." I tell her honestly.

"Son don't you.." he starts.

"No dad." I say standing up. "That's my wife and child in there. Don't you dare say anything like I'm being harsh. If it was yours you'd be saying the same thing. She damn well better know that if either of them die so does she." I tell him walking off. I walk back into the room sitting in the chair beside a sleeping Alex.

"Hey." she says.

"Hey I thought you were sleeping." I tell her grabbing her hand.

"Can't." she says.

"Why not?" I ask her.

"Pain." she answers. I nod again.

"I think the doctor is going to do a c section." I tell her as the doctor comes in.

"Alex honey I'm going to do cession." she tells Alex. Alex nods.

"Okay." she says.

"Okay. I'll get started." she says walking off. She calls in several people to help her. Either nurses or mid wives.

We have damn near everything in our pack and this place is set up for damn near anything. She could probably preform a heart transplant if she wanted too. She comes back with more equipment. She start pumping Alex with all sorts of medicine. I'm not even sure what's she's doing I'm just watching what she's doing getting pissed. I know I shouldn't but both my wolf and I don't like the needles wires sticking out of her body and the crap they are doing to her.

"Austin." Alex whispers. I stand up leaning over her.

"Yeah baby." I whisper.

"Kiss me." she whispers again. How can she ask me that? Her lips are bruised as swollen. "Please it my be last one." she says.

"Baby don't say that." I whisper. I press my lips to hers gently. I didn't want to hurt her so I just let them linger there. I pull back just to tears rolling down her eyes. "You'll be fine angel. You have to be. We got a child to take care of. You have to be be here for it and me. We still got to get married." I tell her trying not cry as well.

"Austin you need to leave." Cassie tells me. Alex squeezes my hand tighter.

"What? Why?" I ask confused.

"I'm going to be doing stuff your wolf won't like." she tells me.

"I'm staying." I tell her.

"Austin." she says warningly.

"I'm staying!" I say thru gritted teeth. She sighs nodding.

"Fine." she says.

She fixes Alex up and putting a sheet where I can't see what she's doing and that pissed me off more. I keep my wolf down and let her do her thing. But when she started cutting.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just 2 chapters left!!!!!

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